Are you finding it hard to stick to your mindset practice? Today, April Shprintz shares why having a mindset battle buddy helps! Tune in and discover the benefits of having a partner who will help you get there faster.
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You Need A Mindset Battle Buddy – Here’s Why
I’m so glad you’re here. If you happen to be tuning in from Switzerland, a big thank you to you as well. I found out that we became a top 10 how-to show in Switzerland in addition to all the other countries that have us in the top 10. So thank you so much for tuning in. I hope that you’re getting a great deal out of this. Speaking of getting a great deal out of this, I know how you can get even more out of your mindset practice.
It is pulling back to when I was in the military. They gave us battle buddies when we were learning new skills. The way that a battle buddy worked was you had an accountability partner. You had a person that you got through everything with. You bounced ideas off of each other. You were accountable to each other for going through certain skills and certain things that you were learning. That’s a great way to speed up your mindset practice.

Mindset Battle Buddy: Having a battle buddy is a great way to speed up your mindset practice.
The first reason for having a battle buddy, mindset partner, bestie, or whatever it is, is that they are objective. They’ll be able to give you great feedback on situations. Also, if you’re trying to reframe something but you’re stuck in it, it can be difficult. If you have a battle buddy, they aren’t in that exact same situation and yet, they know you and know how you tend to feel pretty well. They’re usually able to help you reframe in a fantastic way. Not only are they objective about what’s happening, but they have a little bit of your history. They know about things that have worked out for you even though they felt like they were happening to you at the moment.

Mindset Battle Buddy: Your battle buddy is usually able to help you reframe in a really fantastic way because not only are they objective about what’s happening, but they also know a little bit about your history.
The second one is, and I cannot say this enough, accountability. When we commit to someone else or out loud that we’re going to do something, we are so much more likely to continue to follow through with it. I’m going to tell on myself here. I changed my workout routine to make it even more routine. Instead of having variability of when I went to the gym, which often happens to me because of different business meanings and things I have going on, I committed, “I’m going to do this in the mornings. This has to happen first thing. That way, nothing will get in the way of it.” That’s not a rocket science kind of change. That’s something lots of people tend to do anyway, but for me, it was a big deal.
I realized that I had stopped doing it because, on Saturday and Sunday, I get a little lax in my schedule. Having that accountability partner or having someone that knows that’s what I was going to do helps me remember, “I have got to stay on this. This is important to me.” Your battle buddy for mindset will do the same for you.

Mindset Battle Buddy: Having an accountability partner—someone who knows what it is that you are supposed to do—helps you remember to stay on track.
The third might even be the most important one. I didn’t put camaraderie in there because I take that for granted that will help you have someone to do it with you. Sometimes, mindset can feel a little lonely like you’re doing it all on your own. This one, they will see your progress more easily and faster. One thing that you probably have noticed in your life is that as you go through any transformation or improvement, you tend to take for granted how much you’re improving.
As you go through any sort of transformation or improvement, you tend to take for granted how much you’re improving. Share on XIt’s why when people do fitness competitions, they take before and after pictures because they can lose sight of how they’re improving. It’s why many people who are learning a new skill have different metrics that they use to measure. Even if you’re trying to become more flexible, they are measuring how far you can reach with that stretch. They are measuring how many yards you can hit when you’re golfing.
There are all those different ways of measuring where you were versus where you are now. As we tend to push ourselves, things don’t tend to feel different. It may feel as difficult to reframe certain situations. What you’re not realizing is how many situations you’re reframing automatically and easily and training your unconscious mind to work on your behalf. Having that battle buddy or that partner who can point out to you, “This is neat. This didn’t even ruffle your feathers. Months ago, this would’ve ruined your entire day. How impressive,” is one other way that having a partner in this mindset journey can help.
Keep in mind that this partner doesn’t have to be someone that you live with. It can be a friend that you text every once in a while. It can be a colleague if you want to do this at work. It can be anyone who, like you, has an interest in growing their mindset and wants to do it together so that you can get there even faster. Give this a try. Tell me about who your mindset buddy is. I want to hear. You can go to my website, All the way toward the bottom of the page, there’s the Ask April section. Don’t forget. You can always record a personal private question there and ask me. I’ll be more than happy to answer you personally and privately and send it right back to you through email. Let me know who you chose for your battle buddy. I want to hear about it. Here’s to your success.