Hi everyone. April here jumping in on these notes because I have a gift for you! In this week’s episode of Winning Mindset Mastery, you’ll learn how you can turn economic challenges into opportunities and how the best investment might be closer than you think – it’s you! I’ll share some clever, low-cost investment strategies and an even better one that requires only your time and has the highest ROI (Return on Investment) I’ve ever experienced.
Plus, I’m giving you a FREE gift to help you supercharge your mindset and your money-making abilities. Grab it here: https://aprilshprintz.ck.page/mindsetacceleratorMaster.
Your Mindset, Master Your Life!
Listen to the podcast here
You Are Your Best Asset And Investment In a Bad Economy – Get Huge ROI Without a Penny
Thank you for tuning in. If you’re a longtime audience, you know that I am all about seeing things as happening for you, not to you. I hope that’s the way that you look at the world as well, especially in the economy we’re in. There’s a lot of doomsday. There’s a lot of, “Everything is getting worse,” inflation, and, “Everything’s terrible,” going around. I want you to think about how you can create your own economy and how you can take advantage of the way that the overall economy is going on around us. There are several different ways that you can do that.
If you’ve never read books by Warren Buffett or heard him speak, you may not be aware that he is a huge fan of buy and hold on stocks, especially when you can get those stocks at a deal. Whether that deal is because the economy is in the place that it has been in or that deal is because a normally great-performing, well-known stock has suffered some kind of crisis of the way that they’re being viewed by people.
What comes to mind is Chipotle. When they had a lot of issues with people getting food poisoning, their stock went way down. I have a couple of friends that picked that up, and then the stock went up over $900 a share. When Volkswagen had issues that they did with miles per gallon and was not accurately representing that, their reputation took a hit. People who bought that stock then saw it go up. That’s one way that you can take advantage and have it happen for you, not to you.
Another is real estate investment. This is a time when a lot of people might be looking to sell a property. If you happen to have the cash, you can get a better deal if you’re not someone who’s looking for financing. Those are ways to invest money that you may have when the economy or the market doesn’t look like something most people want to invest in. Keep in mind that the number one investment that you can ever invest in ever is you.

Investment Strategies: The number one investment that you can ever invest in ever is you.
In times like this when people say, “What are you investing in?” they’re always surprised because the first thing I say is, “Me. I am investing in myself.” What do I mean by that? At any given time, I have hired coaches in different areas of my life so that I can buy my way out of the learning curve. More importantly, I’m investing in getting better, learning skills, and improving the way that I do things. I have three different coaches. I have someone for my business, my health and fitness, and then someone in between personal and business to help me grow and continue to get better at all the things I’m looking to do.
If you were in the place where you’re like, “Where should I be putting my money? Where should I invest?” find someone who can make you a better version of yourself in whatever area of your life that would be important to you. I have never regretted investing in myself. I have always gotten more time back than I put into that investment, and I have always gotten more money back than I spent on that investment.

Investment Strategies: If you’re in the place where you’re like, “Where should I be putting my money? Where should I invest?” find someone who can make you a better version of yourself in whatever area of your life that would be important to you.
What if you’re sitting there going, “That’s great if you have extra cash, but remember how you started talking about the economy and how things are going? I’ve lost my job,” or, “Inflation has caused me not to have as much disposable income so I can’t invest,” no problem. That is because you have something else that isn’t money that is even more important and that is far more valuable. For many years, it was the only thing I had to invest in.
You have something else that isn't money that is even more important and far more valuable. Share on XRemember. You’re talking to the girl who grew up on food stamps and free lunches. Money was scarce and super hard to come by for a lot of years of my early life. What I invested then and what I still love to invest now is my time. I want you to think about ways that you can invest your time in yourself so that you’re going to get huge ROI. If you’re particularly worried about money, I’m always going to tell you, “Work on your mindset.” It is the highest return on investment I have gotten of anything I’ve ever done. That’s for any investment. That includes college, training, investing in my business, and anything.
I can directly tie my mindset to earning so much money in so many different ways. There are some of them that I expected, and some of them that were unexpected. It all comes back to that mindset. If you are looking for a way to invest in yourself and you have to invest in time, I have a free gift for you. I want you to go to this link. Within seven days, you can double the wins that you are seeing in your life. What is amazing is your life will feel different in seven days. In anywhere from two weeks to one month, you will start to see how it is reaping bigger rewards in your life, and that will start to help you out financially as well.

Investment Strategies: You can directly tie your mindset to earning money in so many different ways.
Go and download this. There are three steps to it. It’s almost a good, better, best. Good being there is one thing on there that you can do that takes less than 30 seconds. If that is the only thing you can do and you only have 30 seconds to invest, do that one. That’s okay. That will get you started. If you have five minutes, you can do the better version, which is 2 of the 3 things that are on that free gift. If you do those two things, you’re going to see incredible results.
If you have a little more time to invest, I have a third thing that you can do in that free gift. It takes a little longer. It might be up to fifteen minutes. If you do all three of those things for a week, your results will be incredible. All you have to do is invest the time. The time will help you with the belief, and those will help you start to see opportunities that you are not seeing now. That will change your financial situation by investing in you more than any other thing I could recommend for you to do now.
Go and get that free gift. Download it and let me know how it’s working for you. If you have questions, reach out to me on social. I answer everyone who reaches out to me. You can also reach out to me personally on my website. Click that button that says Ask April and you will get to privately ask me a question, and I will answer you personally and privately as well. Get started on this. It is time for you to have the life and money you deserve by investing in you. Here’s to your success.