Getting twice as much done in half the time sounds pretty awesome, right? We’d all like to accomplish a lot more in a lot less time. But how? On today’s episode of Winning Mindset Mastery, April shares some ideas with you that will help you do that. She shows you how to quickly and easily tap into the power of your brain’s supercomputer and how to make it your unpaid personal assistant. She also gives you a key tactic that makes this mindset hack more powerful and effective. Sound interesting? Then click here now to listen! To your success!
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Want To Do Twice As Much In Half The Time? Here’s How!
When someone asks me why I focus so much on mindset, beyond the fact that it has been the highest return on investment I’ve ever gotten in finances, my personal life, my happiness, my career, and my business, it’s also the most efficient and most effective way to get everything it is that you want. Here’s what I mean. If you understand how your subconscious mind works, it is like the power behind your computer. The hard drive of your computer is your subconscious mind. It’s 80% of everything that is operating in your body. That’s your breathing, your heartbeat, and all those unconscious things that are happening that keep you alive and moving behind the scenes.

Mindset Hack: Your subconscious mind controls 80% of everything that is operating in your body—your breathing, your heartbeat, and all those unconscious things that are happening that keep you alive and moving behind the scenes.
Your conscious mind is about another 20%. In some people’s minds, it’s 86/14 or 88/12, but your subconscious mind is doing far more day-to-day than your conscious mind. My conscious mind is having me talk to you and helping me drive the car, walk to the next room, and those sorts of things, but so much more is going on behind the scenes.
What is so impressive to me is we process two million pieces of information every second. Our subconscious mind is sifting through each and every one of those pieces of information and deciding which one we’re going to consciously be aware of and which one we’re going to consciously notice. It does that based on what we have decided is important with our focus.
This is what’s important. This is where the effectiveness and how efficient it is come in. Your subconscious mind is like an unpaid personal assistant. It’s not even a personal assistant you have to put a ton of thought into training, but you have to make sure you only share with that personal assistant the things that you want more of. That’s where mindset comes in. If your subconscious mind is going to decide to give you more of and show you more of the things that you’re focused on, you want to focus on the things you want.

Mindset Hack: Your subconscious mind is like an unpaid personal assistant. You have to make sure you only share with that personal assistant the things you want more of.
Another great thing about the subconscious mind is it doesn’t know the difference between real and imagined. That’s why lots of athletes talk about practicing that winning shot over and over again in their minds. They practice physically in real life, but they also get a ton of value from practicing the event as if it had happened. It is the same thing for you. Visualizing the life you want, the job you want, or the partner you want as if it’s already here is telling your subconscious mind, “That’s important. Point those opportunities out to me. Show me the way to do those things.” It makes it much easier and more effective, and almost like it happens by coincidence when those things start to enter your life.

Mindset Hack: Visualizing the life, job, or partner you want as if it’s already here is telling your subconscious mind, “That’s important. Point those opportunities out to me. Show me the way to get those things.”
For me, there’s the benefit of being happier and feeling more empowered because I have a good mindset, but also, it’s plain and simple math. I can do more if I also have my subconscious helping me get there faster and pointing out opportunities I might not see otherwise. That’s why I’m constantly sharing with you how you can improve your mindset by focusing on those things that matter to you and by focusing on those things that you want. That’s why I’m always pointing out to you those ways that you can focus your mindset so that your subconscious mind is working with you to point out those things that you want.
You can improve your mindset by focusing on the things that matter to you and on the things that you want. Share on XIf you want to double your wins over the next seven days and get a jump start on having a winning mindset and making your life that much easier, go to the website and download that free gift. It will help you double your wins in seven days and get you on a fantastic start to have that winning mindset that is going to bring you the life that you’ve always wanted. Here’s to your success.