Christmas has come and gone. The New Year isn’t here yet. This week feels a little off-kilter for lots of people. Maybe you’re one of them. You have big goals for 2023, but you don’t want to wait until next week to get started. You want to make progress now! So what do you do? You may be wondering what April recommends and what she does herself. In today’s episode of Winning Mindset Mastery, she reveals two super-simple activities that can help make 2023 your best year yet. Even though these are powerful, they won’t take you long at all. As you listen, you’ll discover: why April keeps an “outcome board” instead of a “dream board,” and how she makes it an even more meaningful and effective tool; and what she recommends you make a note to do this time next year. You’ll find this both powerful and fun! Imagine looking back at the end of 2023 and thinking, “Wow! This was indeed my best year yet!” That would be pretty awesome, right? Today’s episode just might help you get there! Click here now to listen! Here’s to your success!
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Want 2023 To Be Your Best Year Yet? Do These Two Things RIGHT NOW
Thank you for joining me. I hope you had a wonderful holiday no matter what holiday you celebrate, and that even if it wasn’t wonderful, you found things to be grateful for. You found things to focus on that made it meaningful for you. We’re in that week that a lot of people take off after the holidays or before the New Year where if you’re working on it, you feel like everything’s a little off-kilter. If you’re not working on it, you might find yourself saying, “What day is it? Where are we? When is it?” I love to make the best use of this time. For me, the best use of this time is to do a combination of activities that don’t take very long, but I feel like they set up your year, your mindset, your heart, and everything for success.
The first thing that I love to do, and we talked about this in the last episode, getting into that place of gratitude, is I love to take a day or a couple of days. I won’t spend a lot of time on it whenever I do it, but I free-form write down all of the things that I manifested this 2022. I write all of the things that came into my life that made me happy and that were amazing, whether they were something that I planned for and actively went after or something that surprised me with an amazing opportunity, friendship, experience, business opportunity, or any of those things. I like to write them all down, and I do it for a couple of days.
What I find is when you first get started, you can write tons of things, and then as the days go by, you start thinking of other things that may have been big at the time, but you already forgot about them, so they pop up. I like to do that for a couple of days. I love that list because it takes you into that place of gratitude. It shows you how much one year can change your life.
Bill Gates said we overestimate what we can do in a year and underestimate what we can do in ten. That’s true in a lot of cases, but we also underestimate how incredibly our life can change for the better in a year. It is so much so that when I am working with clients and they are in a place where they’re like, “I don’t feel like I’m ever going to get this,” or, “I don’t feel like this specific situation is ever going to get better,” I make them pull up their phones and set and put in there, “It’s been a year since I talked to April. What’s going on?”

Achieving Goals: We underestimate how incredibly our life can change for the better in a year.
Many times in my life, one year has made such an incredible shift and such a big change in such an amazing way that I want them to know that that’s out there in the future. I also, in the future, want them to reflect back on how much it changed. This exercise can be incredibly powerful. They’re fun to keep. You see all of the things year after year that have happened.
I like to go from that into the best form of next-year planning, for me personally. This isn’t necessarily official business planning, what you’re going to do, and things like that. This is a very personal thing, although it includes a lot of business planning. Many folks may have heard of something called a dream board where you put all the things that you want. Whether it be in 2023, the next 10, or the next 20, these are all the things that you want. These are your goals and dreams. I don’t call that a dream board because, to me, a dream is something that’s out there in the future where you’re like, “Wouldn’t it be great if one day it would happen?” To me, it’s much more powerful for that board to be called an outcome board.

Achieving Goals: Many folks make a dream board where they put all their dreams and goals. I don’t call that a dream board because a dream is something in the future where you’re like, “Wouldn’t it be great if one day it would happen?” It’s much more powerful to call it an outcome board.
Back in the day, we used to cut pictures out of magazines of the things that we wanted. We’d glue them on there and put them up somewhere. I still have some of those. If I’m candid, because I don’t keep a ton of things and I’m an anti-knickknack and anti-clutter, I have pictures of those boards that I cut and glued together. I’ve been doing it for about a decade. It’s been incredible to keep those photos, go back through them, and see how many of them because I looked at it as an outcome. I looked at it as something that is happening actively, and I’m taking action toward it. I’m excited about it that it’s going to happen.
Honestly, almost all of them have happened. If they haven’t happened, I feel very confident that it hasn’t happened yet. What was so crazy and fun is, one, the things happened in a much bigger way than I ever even imagined. I would, for example, say I wanted to hit this certain amount of sales when I was still a salesperson. I might hit 378% of that quota. I remember that number because it was millions of dollars and it went out of the park. It was so fun to update and change my outcome board. At that point, I was putting it on a corkboard with little pictures I printed off the computer. I keep updating it and making it bigger and better.
Things can happen in much bigger ways than you ever imagined. Share on XThere was another time that I put this picture of Maui that I thought was incredible and beautiful. It was a resort or something. I wanted to go somewhere that looked like that. It was 3 or 5 months later that I got a special offer from that resort. I didn’t know what resort I was sharing a picture of or putting that picture up on my outcome board. I just knew it was gorgeous and what a beautiful place it was. When I got the offer, it had marketing pictures on it. I was like, “That’s on my outcome board.” I love to spend time doing that.
I don’t do the old-school ones that are pinned up anymore, but you can. Whatever works for you. What I like to do is to create it in PowerPoint and google the images of the things that I want. Be thoughtful about it and have a lot of fun. You can create it in Canva if you’re a person who likes to use that software. Snap a photo of it and make it the wallpaper on your phone. The reason you do that is because you’re constantly looking at it subconsciously and seeing the things that you’re looking forward to all of the time.

Achieving Goals: Google the images of the things you want. Be thoughtful about it and have a lot of fun. The reason you do that is to constantly look at it subconsciously and see the things that you’re looking forward to all of the time.
I have one super-secret thing that I do that I love. It’s not going to be a super-secret anymore. I like to intersperse that outcome board with things I already have that I am super appreciative of. Why? It is because I’d like my mind to think those things are the same. The things that I already have and the things that I most want in the world like experiences, people in my life, things to do, and things to do for others, I want those all together so that in my mind, it is happening. It is already on the way.
I want that for you. I want 2023 to be the best year you’ve ever had and to already be on the way for you. Do this exercise. Let me know how it goes for you. You can go on the website You can talk to me there. Send me those messages. Those are personal and private, and I will answer you personally and privately as well. I hope that this is your best year ever. Here’s to your success.
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