Yes. A lot of people believe this word is key to getting everything you want in life. Indeed, yes is a powerful word. But there’s a simple word that may be even more powerful. This word helps you gain clarity on and prioritize what’s most important to you. It will help you keep on the path to success. It can give your “Yes” a powerful boost. So what is it? April tells you in episode 33 of the Winning Mindset Mastery Podcast. The answer just might surprise you.
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Tired Of Missing Out? This Two-Letter Word Is The Key To Getting Everything You Want.
Thank you for reading. A lot of people would tell you that the word that is the key to getting everything you want is yes. “Yes, I’ll do that. Yes, I’ll make that extra effort. Yes, I’ll be super consistent. Yes, I’ll go the extra mile. Yes, I’ll do anything and everything it takes to accomplish my dreams.” That’s not wrong. I just think that there’s another word that is sometimes even more powerful and candidly can make that yes go a lot further. It is no. The reason that no can be so incredibly powerful is because it helps you do a few things. Number one, prioritize what is super important to you and what will keep you aligned with those things that are going to make you happiest and keep you on that path to success.

Getting What You Want: Prioritize what is super important to you and what will keep you aligned with the things that will make you happiest and keep you on the path to success.
Have you ever seen one of those folks who can’t seem to say no? They end up saying yes to things that they don’t want to do or responsibilities that they don’t want to have. They’re a little bit of a martyr. They’re unhappy, they’re complaining, and they’re never in a good mindset about what they’re doing because they’re so focused on all the things that they have to do that they don’t want to. That’s why no is so powerful. Sometimes it can be tough to say no to people. I struggle with it a lot because I want to help. I think about the fact that for every no that I say, I’m doubling down on my yeses. I am delivering that much better to my clients, my friends, my family, and my loved ones because the things that I’ve said yes to, I know that I can show up 100%.
Whereas if I said yes to absolutely everything and didn’t often say no, you can’t do that. What would this look like in real life? Let’s say, for example, you’re an entrepreneur, and you decide that you want to say yes to more clients. You realize that what you are saying no to is more things that you might want to do in your personal life or vice versa. Let’s say you want to make more time for your personal life. You’re going to say no to new projects or new clients. Maybe you’re not saying no as much as you’re saying not right now. Do you see how by saying no to one thing, you enable more time and commitment for another? That, my friend, is the power of no because no clarifies what it is that you’re committed to.

Getting What You Want: By saying no to one thing, you free up more time and commitment for another. That is the power of no, because it clarifies what it is that you’re committed to.
Another example, let’s say you are very committed to doing something from a fitness perspective, some event, something that you’re going to do for a certain period of time. Because you’re committed to that, you’re going to say no to things like a Netflix binge for your extra time or notice staying up all hours reading an amazing book because you know that your sleep is so super important to you. Those things that you say no to are enabling you to show up much better for the event. Another one comes up with folks a lot when we talk about self-care and resting. When you have said yes to that, you are going to say no to the last-minute invite to go do something fun. Why? You are going to make sure that you are doing the thing that is most important to you. Yes, I get it. People are going to say, “What about FOMO?”
Forget FOMO. What about JOMO, the Joy Of Missing Out? “I’m missing out on these last-minute plans because I made a promise to myself that I was going to rest more. I know tomorrow and for the rest of the week, I am going to feel so much better.” It sounds overly simple, but when you think about it, there are lots of areas in our lives where we’re not as comfortable saying no, holding our boundaries, and being committed to what is most important for us and what we want. Where this plays into a winning mindset is this. When you are confident and focused enough on what you do want, you know to say no to the things that are not included in that so that you’re focusing on the things that make the most difference to you. It can be incredible the amount of impact that this can have.
When you are confident and focused enough on what you want, you know to say no to the things that are not included in that so that you can focus on the things that make the most difference to you. Share on X
Getting What You Want: The folks who have the hardest time saying no are the ones who will get the biggest benefit from taking that leap and doing it.
What I’d like you to do over the next week or two is say no to at least three things that people ask you to do that conflict with things that you know are important to you. This can be tough for folks if they’re not big on saying no in the first place, but the folks who have the hardest time saying no are the ones who are going to get the biggest benefit from taking that leap and doing it. Once you see all the benefits that you get from being judicious with your time and protecting it so you can focus on those things that matter, there’s no going back. It will be easier and easier as it goes along. Try it out. See how it works for you. Reach out to me on the podcast website, Tell me how it’s going. I can’t wait to hear about it. Here’s to your success.