The number one tool at our disposal for achieving anything we desire in the world is our mindset. Often, we underestimate its potential and the numerous possibilities it opens up for us. Today, we will explore ways to get something that’s important to you. Stay tuned!
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This Mindset Will Get You Promoted
If you’ve been reading the show for any time, you know that I think the mindset is the number one tool we have to get anything in the world that we want. Sometimes, we can underestimate how many different things can get us and how we can get them. I had a conversation with a client that was a fantastic example of this. I could not wait to share it with you because it can help a lot of people.

Mindset: Sometimes we underestimate how many different things our mindset can get us and how we can get them.
I was talking with a gentleman who is interested in getting a new position within his company. He wants to restructure the way things are done, take on more responsibility, and do some new things within the company. That would mean increasing responsibility, more pay, and all sorts of great things for him. Also, great things for the company that he works for.
He’s been presenting it to the leader of his division. The leader of his division hasn’t seen exactly how beneficial this could be, although this particular client is convinced that this is a great thing for him and the company. By him, I mean his boss. As he was talking to me about it and telling me all of these ways that it would be a great improvement, I understood what he said.
He said these words that pricked my interest. He said, “If I could just get him to see my point of view, this would all work out.” I realized that a lot of times, when we’re in conversations with people, whether we’re talking to our bosses or our partners, or maybe we’re talking to someone in sales, we’re constantly trying to get them to see our point of view.
From a mindset perspective, it is so much more powerful if you could understand their point of view. Why? Just like with mindset, the way that you look at something changes the way that you view it, take action on it, and feel about it. If you can see something the way another person sees it, you might communicate to them differently. You might then message them in a way that resonates so much better with them.
The thing is we’re constantly trying to find a way to be heard and understood when what we need to look at, if we reframe it, is how do we hear and understand. If we’re hearing and understanding what’s happening from the other side, then we can much better address what would be important to them. Candidly, you can get pretty much anything you want if you help other people get what it is that they want.
We're constantly trying to find a way to be heard and understood, when what we really need to look at, if we reframe it, is how do we hear and understand? Share on XA lot of times, especially if you’re talking to someone in a sales situation or you’re trying to convince them to do something, you don’t have a purview of their entire viewpoint. You don’t know everything they’re experiencing or everything that they’re thinking about. The more that you can ask questions and understand their perspective and where they’re coming from, the more powerfully you are able to understand their entire viewpoint and how you can help or offer options and even change their mind.

Mindset: The more that you can ask questions and understand the other person’s perspective, the more powerfully you are able to understand their entire viewpoint and how you can help, offer options, and even change their mind.
Think about that the next time that you are trying to get something that’s important to you and you’re so focused on getting it that you keep seeing just your point of view. This also works great in arguments. If you can see the other person’s point of view to the point that you can empathize and understand what it is that they are trying to communicate to you, you are in a far better place to understand and communicate with them in a way that allows for a win-win.

Mindset: If you can see the other person’s point of view to the point that you can empathize with and understand what it is that they are trying to communicate to you, you are in a far better position to understand and communicate with them in a way that allows for a win-win.
I want you guys to try this. Let me know how it works in your life. Big things or little things, it doesn’t matter. This is one of those techniques and ways to stop, think, and reframe your mindset that is not just going to change your day or conversation but in some ways, can change your life. I’m telling you, this is a mindset that’ll get you promoted. Here’s to your success.