Working out is a great way to get yourself into a better physical shape. However, how you approach your workouts is what’s truly the game changer. Today, April Shprintz shares a powerful tip that will take your workouts to 10X what they were before. Tune in to find out!
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This Mindset Will 10x The Results Of Your Workout
I am so glad you’re here. A lot of times on the show, I will talk to you in analogies to try and make things easier to understand. I don’t know if it’s for me, for you, or for both of us. I’ll often talk about working out, physical things, and different activities, but I don’t often talk about mindset in relation to working out. I got a tip that was incredibly powerful, and it took my workouts to 10X what they were before. After trying it out for a few weeks, I have got to share it with everyone.
A huge gratitude to a gentleman by the name of Adam Bornstein. He wrote an article on the mindset of the way you approach your workouts that was a game changer for me. First, a little bit of background. When it comes to physical activity, I am a little bit of a sandbagger and it started during the military. Part of the reason for it was there was so much physical activity that we did and then they would throw in something to surprise you at the end.
The way you approach your workouts is the real game changer. Share on XYou think you were done with all of the PT and stuff that you had done, and then a big surprise, “We’re going to do a 2-mile run.” I was completely gassed from the workout, and now, we have to do this other hard thing. I developed what is not the best habit in the world of sandbagging. I was looking at the workout in front of me and how I use minimal energy to get that workout done well but still have some gas in the tank in case something happens.
It made sense in the military days, but now when I’m going to the gym, it’s not like I’m going to go out to my car, it’s not going to start, and I’m going to have to run home. It works against you when you’re trying to get the most out of especially a lifting workout. This mindset is something that if you are a professional athlete, if you played at the collegiate level, or if you were very competitive in high school, you may already know this, but if you don’t, I have got to share it with you.

Mindset For Working Out: Sandbagging works against you when you’re trying to get the most out of a workout.
Instead of looking at your workout before you get started, most specifically with lifting, and this also goes for a HITT workout or anything where you’re going to do a bunch of different pieces of your workout altogether, you don’t look at all of them and try and manage your energy so that you can finish. You look at each group of exercises, each activity, or each set as if it is the only one you’re going to do that day.
You approach it like, “If this was the only thing I was doing, what weight I would use? What intensity would I use? How many reps would I go for?” On the reps part, you’re not going to say, “I can do 100,” but you could finish those reps at that higher harder weight. It doesn’t sound like that big of a reframe, but when you get to the gym and you put this in motion, you start putting forth a totally different kind of effort in your workout than you would most of the time.
You might say, “April, I work out like this all the time. I am a hero.” You’re my hero because I certainly didn’t do this. When I applied this over a couple of weeks’ time, the strength and the physical gains that I got from those workouts were incredible. In the end, I wanted to fall down, but what I thought was interesting was I wasn’t more sore or more tired than the next day. I was seeing more results. I was working so much harder and I felt so much more of that endorphin rush of, “I went for this. I left it all out there on the mat in the gym,” or whatever you want to say, but I didn’t have physical repercussions from working out that hard. It was an incredible experience.
If you are someone who is looking to get in better physical shape and you want more fat loss from your lifting, you want to get to the point where you can run further and faster, taking that level of effort and looking at it like it is the only thing you’re going to do instead of measuring out your intensity so you can make it through the whole workout is an incredible way to get so many more results from that same amount of time.

Mindset For Working Out: Looking at an activity as the only thing you’re going to do instead of measuring out your intensity so you can make it through the whole workout is an incredible way to get so many more results in that same amount of time.
If you’re someone who’s like, “April, I’ve been doing this the whole time. This is the way that I go to the gym. This is the way that I approach workouts,” you’re amazing. Here’s what I challenge you to do. What is that area of your life where you don’t feel like you’re getting the results that you wanted to have? Can you put that same kind of focus and intensity in that area of your life as you are in the gym area?
If you’re trying to grow your business to be X amount of revenue, can you put that effort into every activity that you’re doing in your business that happens to grow your revenue as if that’s the only thing you have to do now? That kind of intensity, no matter where you apply it in your life, has extreme results. I am always excited when I find a mindset technique that I know works in other areas and I can find a way to apply it to an area in my life where I’m not getting the kind of results that I knew were possible.

Mindset For Working Out: That kind of intensity, no matter where you apply it in your life, has extreme results.
Give this a shot and let me know. Hit me up on social or go to At the bottom part of the website, there’s the Ask April section. You can leave me a voice message. Let me know how upping the intensity whether that’s with your workout or some other area of your life is making things better for you. Here’s to your success.