2023 is underway, and we’re all going after our goals big time. But there’s something fundamental that holds lots of us back. It’s a sneaky habit that may be keeping you from getting what you want! The scarcity mindset. This mindset can wreck your plans and keep you from enjoying the success you long for. We tend to associate the scarcity mindset only with money, but it can affect so much more. The scarcity mindset can hold us back in any area of life. Now the good news! You can overcome the scarcity mindset. How? April tells you in today’s episode of Winning Mindset Mastery. Her solution to this problem that holds so many people back may surprise you. And it’s surprisingly simple. Want to find out more? Click here. To your success!
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THIS Habit Keeps You From Getting What You Want. Here’s How To Change It Right Now!
As we get into 2023, and everyone is going after their goals, you have a clean slate, and you’re trying to do all these new things, I tend to get reflective. When I get reflective, I start asking questions about things that might be holding me back. The question that got brought up for me in a conversation with a friend is, “Do you have a scarcity mindset or an abundance mindset?”
Normally, when people talk about an abundance mindset, they’re saying, “There’s more than enough. I have enough money, time, or health. There is nothing but opportunity and possibility for me.” When they talk about a scarcity mindset, people tend to associate it with money, but it’s so many other things. It’s usually, “I don’t have enough money to pay my bills. I’ll never have enough money to be safe. I don’t have enough time. I’m not getting enough sleep. I can’t find the right partner.” It’s beyond, “I don’t have it now.”

Scarcity Mindset: When they talk about a scarcity mindset, people tend to associate it with money, but it’s so many other things. It’s seeing the entire landscape as not offering the opportunity.
It’s seeing the entire landscape as not offering the opportunity. Everything is already taken. Someone with a scarcity mindset would think, “I’m never going to be able to build the house of my dreams. Everyone already has all the land.” There are all sorts of other things that come to mind where there’s this feeling of lack and not enough. It drives so many decisions. It causes so much fear and worry.
I want to talk through how you can change from that scarcity mindset to an abundance mindset and a mindset of possibility in every area of your life. I was talking to a good friend, someone I’ve been friends with since I was in the military. I think the world of him, but he absolutely has a scarcity mindset. What is interesting is that you too may have a scarcity mindset and think of it the way that he does.
He doesn’t think he has a scarcity mindset. He thinks that he knows what’s true. What’s interesting about truth is that when it comes to the truth of what’s possible and isn’t possible, it is clouded by what you choose to focus on because what you choose to focus on defines what you see. I’ll give you a great example of that. Have you ever lost something in your house? You know it’s there somewhere, but you cannot find it. In your mind, you are focusing on the fact that it is lost. Not that you are looking for something that you know is there. You keep telling yourself, “It’s lost.”
When it comes to the truth of what's possible and what isn't, it is clouded by what you choose to focus on because what you choose to focus on defines what you see. Share on XUsually, in that time period, unless you have one of those great people in your life that you can say, “So and so, where are my keys?” you can’t find that thing. What’s interesting is if you go back when you’re not thinking about it anymore, whether it’s a few hours or days later, you can find that thing you were looking for in a place you know you looked and you didn’t see it. How is that possible unless somebody moved it? You get what you focus on and you see what you believe. If you believe it is lost, you can look right at it and not see it.
I’ll give you another example. Have you ever been staring in the refrigerator, looking for certain food, and you cannot find it? Someone comes up behind you and you say, “I can’t find the grapes.” They literally reach their hands into the refrigerator and found the grapes. The same thing happens because that’s the way that our minds work.
In this particular conversation, my friend wanted to help his family members out by buying something for them. He mentioned that they needed a new car. I said, “You could get them a car for that amount that you’re looking to spend helping them out with something else, and it might be more useful since you’re worried about that.” He was adamant that he could not get a car for that amount of money. I said, “You could get a reliable used car. Maybe not a brand new one, but you absolutely could get a used car.”
He was adamant about the fact that, “You could not. There’s no way you could get a car for that price.” A couple of things. One, he’s in the DC area, so he’s right. For where he is, it would probably be very difficult to get a car for that amount, but he was so convinced about what he believed that he wasn’t even curious about why someone whom he sought advice from on other things had a thought for him. He was so staunch in, “This is the way that it is.”
When I finally explained it to him, because of where I live, I live in a place where a lot of people have a second home. A lot of times, there are used cars that have very low mileage for very great prices because people are just looking to get rid of them, and they don’t have to get as much money out of them as they might in a different area. They have low wear and tear, low mileage, etc. He was like, “Okay,” once we got there, but only because I kept prodding him. It makes me ask you the question, how many areas of your life are you in a place of scarcity where you don’t even realize it’s scarcity because you believe that that’s just the way it is? Is it that way simply because that’s what you believe?
I want you to pay attention, think about that, and look for areas where you feel like there is not enough. You want to be in leadership at your company, but there are already leaders and there’s no place for you. There’s no place for you if you’re competing for positions that are already there. What if you created a new one because you’re offering something super valuable that your company is expanding and now needs? That’s the difference between a scarcity and abundance mindset.

Scarcity Mindset: There’s no place for you if you’re competing for positions that are already there. What if you created a new one because you’re offering something super valuable that your company is expanding and now needs? That’s the difference between a scarcity mindset and an abundance mindset.
I bet even if there are areas where you feel like there’s not enough or you have to compete to get something that’s scarce, there are other areas in your life where you feel like you have plenty. When you identify those areas where you feel like things are scarce, I want you to ask yourself, “How would I feel about this promotion if, instead of it being a promotion, it was sleep?”

Scarcity Mindset: Your habits of abundance in one area can totally translate to another and help you move from a scarcity mindset into one that sees possibility everywhere.
Maybe you’re someone who always finds a way to get enough sleep and compares it to that thing where you always feel like you have plenty and start examining the way that you look at those two things differently because those habits of abundance in one area can totally translate to another and help you move from that scarcity mindset into a mindset that sees possibility everywhere. Your question isn’t, “How is that ever going to work for me?” It’s, “How is that going to work for me?” That makes all the difference. Here’s to your success.