On to today’s episode! Let’s talk about jealousy. It’s not a pleasant emotion, is it? We hate being jealous. We hate the way it makes us feel. We believe it doesn’t empower us. We’re convinced it actually weakens us. But could jealousy serve a good purpose? Could it be, in some way, that our jealousy can help us level up? Could our jealousy be showing us that something we want to achieve is actually possible for us? Even though it may now feel out of reach? As you listen to today’s episode of the Winning Mindset Mastery Podcast, ask yourself this question: What could my jealousy be pointing me to?
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The Surprising Way Jealousy Helps You
I am so excited. This is the day that I announce one of the weekly winners for the grand prize drawing, which is that VIP in-person day with me, where we talk about anything and everything you want to work on mindset mastery and business acceleration. Whatever it is that you want to focus on to get some immense action going, we are on it. Each week, before July 4th, 2022, we’re going to announce that weekly winner who goes into the grand prize drawing. That will happen on Independence Day, July 4th, because nothing gives you more independence than having a winning mindset. You can still enter by going to the website, WinningMindsetMasteryPodcast.com. The instructions are there for the contest and how you can win and enter in for the drawing.
I am thrilled to say our winner is Chris Petruski. Chris, congratulations. You are one of the names going to go into that grand prize drawing. I can’t wait to find out who wins. If it’s not your name and someone else being lucky brought up that feeling we all try and avoid and don’t talk about, the little green-eyed monster or a little bit of jealousy, I’ve got some good news for you or news for you. You get to choose how you view it. We always talk about comparison as the thief of joy. You don’t want to compare yourself to others. Most people would tell you they don’t want to experience the feeling of jealousy. It doesn’t feel good in your body. It doesn’t leave you in an empowered mindset. It’s not a good feeling but it does have a good purpose.
When you find yourself feeling that feeling, it is an indicator that on some level, whether it’s conscious or unconscious. Sometimes it’s top of mind for us, and sometimes it isn’t. Someone is showing you something that you want and is possible for you. That may sound weird. You think, “I’m jealous because I know I could never have it.” You’re not because you only desire the things that are possible for you. You only think of ideas that you could make happen. It may not be easy or something you can do tomorrow, but any desire that occurs to you is possible for you.

Jealousy: Any desire that occurs to you is possible for you.
If you’re finding yourself thinking that’s not the case, I want you to list a bunch of things you are not interested in that other people think would be hard or difficult. I’ll use myself as an example. I have never wanted to be an astronaut. I’ve never wanted to go to the moon or do any of those things. Interestingly, I am only decent at Math and Science compared to an aeronautical engineer or a rocket scientist. If I go through all the lists of things I don’t want to do, I also realize I don’t have the skills that would be necessary. I don’t want to be an Olympic athlete. That is great news because I cannot run as fast as most people.
Go through that in your mind because a lot of times, we’ll think, “I’m jealous because I couldn’t do it.” You’re not. You’re jealous because you could do it. That jealousy is an indicator that, on some level, you want to. Your subconscious mind is helping you understand that you are ready to uplevel in some way and seeing that could be the catalyst for you to do it. While it’s not the greatest feeling, I want you to ask yourself the question, “What could this be pointing me to?” It’s not always cut and dry. It’s not always, “They have this so I want this.” Anything we want in life, whether it’s an achievement, a material thing, or an experience, we want because of the way having it would make us feel. Ask yourself, “What is the feeling that I think that individual has from doing that or the ability or the experience?”

Jealousy: A lot of times, we think, “I’m jealous because I couldn’t do it.” You’re not. You’re jealous because you could do it. That jealousy is an indicator that, on some level, you want to.
Think about how you want something like that in your own life. There’s a second thing that jealousy is telling you. You get that great piece of information and then there’s a secondary piece of information useful to you, especially from a mindset perspective. That second piece of information is you are focusing on that feeling you think you’ll have or will have when you get that experience, thing, or title. When you get that, instead of focusing on how amazing that will feel, which is one of the quickest ways to manifest things like that into your life, think about how amazing it will be. You are not focusing on the what and how but focusing on how amazing it will feel to have it. The more you’re in that mindset, the easier it is for you to get inspired action ideas to get there and to enjoy the journey of getting there.
As you know, if you’re enjoying the journey, it goes by faster. Think about a day when you were at work and watching the clock versus a day when you’re inspired and having a great time and how fast that time seems to go. It’s amazing if you can do that for your goals. When you feel jealous thinking about something you want to accomplish is the number one indicator. You are focusing on the gap between you and what you want instead of focusing on how it would feel. When you’re focusing on the gap, to go back to that work analogy, the gap between now and 5:00 watching the clock, you are focused on what you don’t have, which is the clock saying that you can leave the office now or the ability to do what it is that you want instead of focusing on what it is you want.
When you feel jealous thinking about something you want to accomplish, that is the number one indicator that you are focusing on the gap between you and what you want. Share on XIn that particular situation, you could be focusing on what you were going to do after work, how fun that was going to feel, and how excited you were going to be. You could, by doing that, change your state. We’ve talked a lot about reframing because, for a lot of folks early on in doing mindset work, that is the simplest and quickest way to change your state. There are a lot of ways that you can do it. I’m a big fan of any of them that are quick and you can do by yourself. A few episodes back, we talked about the impact of breathing and certain breathing techniques that can help you change your state. You can exercise, go for a walk, listen to a song you love, and meditate. There are all these ways, even by yourself, that you can change your state.
What is great about that is you have that indicator of jealousy that you want something different, but you also have that indicator that you’re focusing on it in a way that is not empowering to you. By doing something physically, your mind and body will follow. You physically change your state and you can start to look at that from a more empowering place.

Jealousy: By doing something physically, your mind and body will follow. You physically change your state, and you can start to look at that from a more empowering place.
The next time you feel that green-eyed monster creeping up on you, I want you to try these two things. Think about what it is that’s pointing out to you that you can, could, and maybe even should up level to and what that would feel like for you. How do you change your state so that you’re focusing on the right part, which is how amazing it’ll feel when you’re able to do that versus what it feels like not to have it? I want you to tell me how it goes. I can’t wait to hear. Here’s to your success.