How good are you at receiving what you most want? In a society where we’re told it’s better to give than to receive, that can be really difficult. Today, April Shprintz shares an important key to getting the life that you want, and it has something to do with being good at receiving and allowing things that you most want to come into your life. Don’t miss out!
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The Missing Key To Getting The Life You Want
A lot of times, when I talk to you about mindset, we talk about your focus, how you get what you focus on, and how important it is to focus on the things you want. I have realized that there’s a part I haven’t talked about yet that is as important to getting all of the things that you want. I’m so glad we’re talking about it in this episode.
Here’s my question for you. How good are you at receiving what you most want? What made me think of this is I love to shop at consignment stores. I love to get great deals on nice furniture, especially antiques and things like that. I was looking for a certain thing on Facebook Marketplace. I live in Palm Beach Gardens. You would be shocked at the furniture that people have and the deals you can get on Facebook Marketplace.

Getting What You Want: How good are you at receiving what you most want?
While I was looking for a table, I saw this incredible antique chair. I don’t even want to say how much it was brand new because it’d sound ridiculous. It had been listed for a pretty good deal, but I didn’t need it. I thought, “That is a beautiful chair. I can’t believe how gorgeous it is.” I kept thinking about it. I even saved it in my app even though I had no place to put it.
As it was on the app for longer and longer, it got marked down in price a couple of times and it finally got marked down so much, I was like, “I don’t care that I don’t need it. I love it so much.” It happens to match all of my office furniture perfectly like it’s the exact same design. I was like, “I’m going to figure that out. I’m going to go ahead and get it.”
I had difficulty scheduling with the person who was selling it, the schedules kept not working, and I wasn’t hearing back. I said, “This is a beautiful piece. Whoever gets it will be super happy, but I’m going to bow out.” I didn’t think another thing about it. A couple of days later, she messaged me and said, “Where can I bring it to?”
Long story short, instead of me buying this very expensive chair at a great price because she had had a hard time meeting up with me, this woman extremely generously wanted to give me this chair and deliver it to me, even though I live about 45 minutes away from her. When it happened, I was so overwhelmed by the generosity that I teared up.

Getting What You Want: Generosity can be so overwhelming.
I live for generosity. I love to do wonderfully generous things for people, but I don’t experience it that often. Not that that’s a bad thing, I just don’t always encounter it on the other side, and because of it, I’m probably not the best at receiving generosity like that. I almost said, “You shouldn’t do that. Give it to someone else.”
At that moment, I also remembered from my good friends, John David Mann and Bob Burg’s book, The Go-Giver, the Law of Receptivity, and how giving can only happen because someone else also receives it. Being someone who’s good at receiving things is important, and it can be difficult because we grow up hearing things like it’s better to give than receive or being told by someone, “Don’t be selfish.” Maybe it’s your nature to do things for people, but you have a hard time letting people do things for you.

Getting What You Want: Giving can only happen because someone else also receives.
Whether that’s your habit or maybe deep down, you don’t necessarily think you deserve it. Whatever it is, it’s super important to be able to receive. No matter how much mindset work you do and how much you focus on the things you want, if you don’t get good at receiving and allowing those things you most want to come into your life, you might miss out on them.
I said, “Thank you so much. I appreciate your generosity.” I allowed her to gift that chair to me. It’s gorgeous. It is amazing. I was overcome with, “There are such generous people in the world. It was so incredible to experience this.” It made me think I need to share this with you because what if you are focusing on everything that you should, you’re doing all your mindset work, and you’re doing your reframes, but you don’t reframe the idea that you shouldn’t be receiving things? You absolutely should.
If someone else hasn’t told you, I’m going to tell you right now that you deserve every single thing in the world that you want. You deserve every bit of happiness. You deserve amazing health. You deserve love. You deserve success. You deserve money. You deserve anything and everything that you desire. The next time that someone offers you something, I want you to allow them to give it to you, to receive it, to thank them profusely because you know how good it feels for you to give.
You deserve every single thing in the world that you want. Share on XWhether it’s another person, it’s a company, it’s a child, it’s the world, whoever it is, be incredibly grateful. Thank them for the gift and receive it with excitement and gratitude and a knowing that all of the work you’ve done on your mindset, that all of the things you’re putting out into the world are bringing you the things you most deserve. Here’s to your success.