Welcome to the Winning Mindset Mastery Podcast.
Do you believe you’re behind in the race of life? Do you get the nagging feeling you were made for more, but you don’t know what “more” looks like for you? Or maybe you’ve enjoyed a lot of success and you feel you’ve “arrived” on some level, but you sense it’s still not enough and something important is missing.
If so, this is the podcast for you. Join April Shprintz, noted mindset expert, award-winning author, business accelerator, and creator of The Generosity Culture®. Through this platform, April seeks to help listeners from all walks of life reach their goals and become a better version of themselves. She and her friends will inspire, motivate, and guide you to a consistently winning mindset to meet and exceed your goals in life.
In this inaugural episode, April shares her inspiring story of overcoming great hardship and winning despite the odds that were stacked against her. She tells you how she did it. She also shares with you some of her thoughts on the life-changing value of a winning mindset and what she sees as the key to a different and better life.
Listen to the podcast here
The Life-Changing Value Of A Winning Mindset
I am so excited that you have joined me. I’m thrilled that you’re here. I know what a difference this can make in your life. I know what a difference it makes in mine. I am excited to share this with you. Here’s what you will get from our time together. When you master a winning mindset, your entire life changes. I don’t care what it is. You have better relationships, careers, and business success. You’re happier and healthier. Anything and everything you can think of can start with developing a winning mindset and give you that help or that missing link on the things that you feel are a struggle.

Winning Mindset: Everything you can think of can start with developing a winning mindset and give you that help—that missing link on the things that you feel like are a struggle.
The biggest difference that mindset makes is how you perceive and experience your life. Here’s what I mean. If you took two different people, they’re the same but they’re two people. They are the same from socioeconomic status, how smart they are, the contacts they have, the money they have, the abilities, the skills, and everything. They’re two different people. One person has a mindset by default.
What I mean by that is their mindset is impacted by everything that ever happens to them. If they have a day where mostly good things happen to them, they have a good mindset. If they have a day where a lot of bad things might happen or what we would determine were bad, they have a bad mindset. They are in no control. They are not living life. Life is living them. That’s them.
You’ve got a person who has developed a winning mindset. They have a mindset that sees things as happening for them, not to them. You could take these two people. The only thing that’s different about them is the mindset that they have and have the same situations happen to them. The person with the winning mindset will experience a different life. The things that upset the other person aren’t going to upset them. The setbacks that get to the other person aren’t going to be setbacks for them. Their entire experience of the same life is going to be different and better.
Here’s the other thing. With that mindset, they are going to be primed to notice things and opportunities that will get them what they want in a way that the person with the mindset by default is not able to see. We will talk more about how that works in future episodes too. Know that this is the key to this entirely different life. How do I know? Who am I? I come from one of those backgrounds where people don’t expect very much from you. I had a single parent with substance abuse problems. There was physical abuse in the household. We lived below the poverty line for most of my life.
A winning mindset is the key to this entirely different life. Share on XAll the people around me had these lives that I would not want to have and told me that I couldn’t have the things that I wanted. Luckily, I felt differently. I felt like there were ways to get those things. I knew I had to figure it out because there were people who did have them. They weren’t the people around me but there were people. From a very early age, I sought out people to be mentors and read information. I was doing mindset work before I knew what mindset work was. It made all the difference because it drew people into my life who both believed in me and helped me go through steps to get a different life.
While I’m one of those people that at a young age folks may have expected to end up being a sob story or a sad story, I instead am living my dream life. I wasn’t supposed to be someone who even got to go to college. I got to go to college and I got an MBA. I got to be a broadcaster on an international show broadcasting to an audience of 75 million people. I got to work in the financial industry once I got out of the military, do some amazing things, learn all sorts of things, make over seven figures in a year, and then keep going, building, starting a company, and having it be very successful.
I’m not telling you these things to brag. I’m telling you these things because I didn’t have any special advantages. I didn’t have contacts or money. I don’t know if I even had skills. We will have to decide that later but what I did have was the desire to develop a winning mindset that I worked on and that I continued to do. Between the companies I’ve worked for, the military, and me personally, I am certain that hundreds of thousands of dollars have been invested in my personal development. Nothing has given me the return on investment in happiness, money, excitement, and opportunities the way that working on my mindset and developing a winning mindset has.
This is the thing. This will change your life. I promise you. I’ll explain a little bit more about mindset in case you’re not familiar with it because people talk about it. It’s one of those things where if you haven’t been practicing it for a while, even when they talk about it, it may not make sense. If you’ve ever been educated about it in school, they tend to talk about it.
This is folks who are Millennials or Gen Z. I don’t think my generation, Gen X, even mentioned this but they usually talk about it as, “You either have a growth mindset or a fixed mindset.” They don’t go any further other than saying, “A growth mindset is good and a fixed mindset is bad. A growth mindset means you’re always looking to learn and get better. A fixed mindset means you’re always trying to keep yourself from looking stupid and you don’t want to do anything new because you might fail.”

Winning Mindset: A growth mindset means you’re always looking to learn and get better. A fixed mindset means you’re always trying to keep yourself from looking stupid, and you don’t want to do anything new because you might fail.
I would argue that I get those two pieces of terminology but we’re more on a spectrum. In some areas, you have more of a growth mindset. In others, you have a fixed mindset. For example, I have a winning mindset when it comes to business. There is nothing that I don’t think we can make happen. We can figure it out and be wildly successful at it. However, if you take me snowboarding, which is something I’ve never done and I don’t feel like I’m good at, and I’m afraid I’m going to hurt my back, I’m going to have a very fixed mindset about that experience.
Most of us are on this spectrum. I want to say that you’re moving toward having a winning mindset and a winning mindset is defined as what works for you, what feels the best, and what brings you those things that you want. The great thing is to some extent some people are born with a positive disposition or maybe they will be realists so their disposition will be viewed more as being a “negative” disposition, although if you talk to someone who you say is a pessimist, they will be like, “I’m not a pessimist. I’m a realist. I talk about the stuff that could happen.”
The interesting thing is you don’t have to have a positive mindset or disposition to have a winning mindset. You can be as realistic as it comes but in doing these exercises and developing your mindset, you can experience a lot more of the things that you want. It’s exciting and fun. It’s one of those things where there’s a lot of incremental success that you can have. You start practicing it and immediately start to feel the things that are happening.
You don't have to have a positive mindset or a positive disposition. If you have a winning mindset, you can be as realistic as it comes. Share on XIf you go on the website, there is a gift there for you, which is a one-week thing. You can accelerate developing your winning mindset and within a week see some pretty amazing results. Feel free to go and get that. That will be a great way to speed it up if you’re one of those folks who are like, “I want a lot of progress.” It also gives you some tools and things that you can continue to use if you want to. I would encourage you to because it only gets better. It will give you a lot of results fast in the beginning.
What we’re doing here is I am going to take you step-by-step through these processes and the how-to. I’m going to coach and mentor you every step of the way. I may not have everything but I will bring everything I have to every episode always in service to your success. I can tell you what to do. I’m going to give you stories and examples. With that information, you’re going to start to see this in your life. Words don’t teach us but words can alert us to what’s possible, and then we start to notice it and experience it in our lives.

Winning Mindset: Words don’t really teach us, but words can alert us to what’s possible.
I’m going to bring in guests who are going to share their stories and slightly different perspectives. Maybe something that I say doesn’t resonate with you but something that they say does. It makes this tremendous difference and opens up an entirely new world to you. Day by day, your life is going to get better and easier. One day, you’re going to say, “I don’t even know how I lived before I was developing this winning mindset. This is amazing.” That’s what I want to hear about. That’s the juice for me.
If you have questions about this, you have huge successes you want to share, and you want to tell me what you want me to talk about on the show, there is a portion of the website that has Ask April. You can record a question for me in your voice. I will record an answer for you in my voice. We can chit-chat. It’s not this one-sided conversation all the time. I want to hear about how your life is changing because that means everything to me. Here’s to your success.