What is the single most impactful thing in your life? What does it mean for your mindset? In this short yet meaningful episode, April Shprintz explains the power of consistent learning and how it can deliver profound transformation to yourself.
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The 1 Most Impactful Thing For Your Life & Mindset
Have you ever come across a meme that initially was super funny, but then got you thinking? This happened to me. Someone had posted a review of Dale Carnegie’s book, How to Win Friends and Influence People, which if you haven’t read it, is an oldie but a goodie. It has some excellent advice in there, but it also had a review from someone and it was circled. It said, “Didn’t work. Everyone still hates me.”
When I first saw it, I laughed out loud because I’d read the book. If you implement the tools that are in this book, there’s no way that that is the case. There’s no way that everyone still hates this person. What got me thinking more deeply about it is the fact that so many times, we will buy something or pay to learn something, but we won’t implement it.
For example, in the case of this person leaving the review, maybe they read the book but they didn’t take action on the things that they learned. A lot of times, we don’t think about what the impact is of that because words do not teach. Watching words, reading words, and listening to words, that doesn’t teach us. We don’t integrate with the information. We are not able to do it.
We have knowledge, but to have progress, we’ve got to take action on the things that we’re learning. You have no idea how much you could miss out on if you don’t take that action. Whether it’s a book that you’re reading, something for your business, or something in a hobby, if you don’t practice the things that you’re learning, you are not going to get better.

Impactful Thing: So many times, we will buy something or pay to learn something, but we won’t implement it.
I thought this was profound because I thought about different things that I’ve missed out on in life because I wouldn’t take action because I was afraid to and I was much more comfortable with the learning aspect. One thing that comes to mind is I used to go line dancing with a good friend of mine when I was younger. Let me be clear by “used to go line dancing,” we went, she danced, and I watched.
If you don't practice the things you are learning, you will not get better. Share on XI was afraid to practice. She said, “You can get out there with everybody and learn these dances on the fly.” My ego wouldn’t let me. I was like, “No. I’m just going to watch, and then I’ll go home and practice. I’ll take a class.” I’ll do something because I didn’t want to take messy action. I wanted to get out there, look amazing, and be perfect at it, which is nothing but ego. There are so many areas of life where that holds us back. PS, I never took the dance classes. I never did those things. I went many times with my friend and just sat, watched, and had nowhere near the amount of fun I would’ve had. Nor did I learn anything by watching because I wouldn’t go and take action.

Impactful Thing: There are so many areas of life where ego holds us back.
What I do now in my life is when I am learning something new and maybe I’m reading books, or I’m taking a course, or I’ve hired someone to coach and help me, I will not buy any other learning materials, sign up for another masterclass, sign up for another mastermind, or buy another book until I have taken action on the things that I got in the first place. I want to make sure that I’m executing what I’m learning consistently so that I know how it works for me. That feedback that you get when you’re doing it will let you adjust and modify it so that it works for you because chances are there’s very little out there that won’t work for you.
I don’t think that we are doing enough in many areas of action-taking because action-taking is scary. It can be sloppy. You might mess up. You might fail, but that is where the magic is so that you don’t become that person who, like me, sat on the sidelines or like that anonymous reviewer who decides everyone hates you when there’s no way you could have practiced those ways of learning to make more friends and have genuine relationships with people. The way not to be there is to take action.
Here’s how you can take action on mindset if you haven’t already. If you get the Mindset Accelerator that I have, it’s a free download on the website. That website is WinningMindsetMasteryPodcast.com. It has three actions that you can take. One is a guided meditation. One is a gratitude exercise that you do every morning for a few weeks. The one that’s the most impactful is writing down your wins of the day, three of them every day for a week. I promise you, at the end of that week, your life will feel different. That is a meaningful mindset practice. Those wins can be big or small, personal or professional, and I still do that to this day.
Taking those actions on your mindset will have such an incredible impact on you so quickly. Mindset is the thing that has changed my life the most of every single thing I’ve ever done over all these 45 years, and I want that for you. Give these things a try. Let me know how it works for you. You can always reach out to me on social and you can talk to me through the Ask April button on the website, WinningMindsetMasteryPodcast.com. All the way down near the bottom is the Ask April button. You can record a personalized message and send it right to me. I can answer you personally as well and privately, and I’d be more than happy to. Here’s to your success.
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