In this episode, April Shprintz discusses the power of belief and its ability to drive people to accomplish extraordinary things. She highlights the importance of having a burning desire to make an impact and live a life that you know is possible. April shares stories of famous individuals who overcame the odds and achieved success simply because they believed in themselves. She encourages listeners to focus on the next step and seek the guidance of those who reinforce their belief in achieving their goals. April also shares a personal story about a woman who instilled unshakable faith in her abilities at a young age. She concludes by inviting listeners to connect with her if they need someone to talk to.
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Short On Belief That You Can Make It Happen? This Will Help!
Thank you for tuning in. I want to talk to you about the power of belief. What are the things that you believe in? Who are the people that you believe in, the ideas, and the possibilities? Some people say that a belief is nothing more than a thought that you think over and over. In some ways, that’s true. I also think that a belief can be this deep burning desire that you have to make an impact, do something big, help other people, create something amazing, or live a life that you know deep down is possible, even if you’ve never heard or never seen an example of it. The belief can guide you and keep you going even when it may not make sense.
It’s part of those stories that we love to hear like Kurt Warner in the American Underdog, Steve Jobs with Apple, or the Wright brothers with flying an airplane. It is all of these things that people said could not be done. Yet, their belief guided them past the parts of it that were so difficult. It’s amazing to me to think of all these stories of people who defied the odds and who made things happen simply because they believed.
If you feel a little low on belief, what do you do? Where do you get it from? Who helps you? I would bet that there is someone in your life who believes in you even more than you believe in yourself. If there isn’t, I will be that person for you. If there’s something that you desire, that you want, or that you think about, then you have the ability to do it. The how can seem complicated, but that’s because we tend to get lost in the how. We want to go 10 steps forward and 10 steps down in the plan, when we only need to know the next step.

If there’s something that you desire, want, or think about, you have the ability to do it.
In many cases, the most important thing we can have is someone who reinforces for us that it is possible. Whatever it is that you’re looking to do, thinking about, or afraid to say out loud, I need you to know that that is 100% possible for you. The reason that I need to tell you that is because a couple of weeks ago, my one true believer after more than 90 years passed away.
She gave me an unshakable faith in what I was able to do. When she did it, she was a stranger. She said some words to me that I’m going to share with you. It was, “You are special. You are more capable and more able to do all of the things that you want to do than you’re aware of today or may have ever realized, but I can see it. I can see it in you. I know that it is 100% possible. I would like to be your friend because you are the kind of person that I would like to know even better. It is not just because of the amazing things that you’re going to do, although I know you are, but because you are the kind of person that people want to be around.”
When I heard those words, I was only nine years old, and I had found out that my mother was going to rehab. This beautiful, successful, and amazing 50-something-year-old woman who was the head of HR in a company told me these words. At that point, he was the only adult I had ever met who had a life I’d like to have. You know that I only take advice from people who either have done exactly the thing I’m looking to try and do and have been successful at it, or have a life that I would want to have.

Take advice from people who either have done exactly the thing you’re looking to try and have been successful at it or have a life that you would want to have.
On that day, when this woman who is an example of every kind of success that I hope to one day have said to me, “That’s possible for you. You are more special than you know. You are more capable than you know,” I knew without a doubt that I was going to be able to have the life that I had always wanted. I want you to know without a doubt that you are 100% able to have the life that you’ve always wanted.
You are 100% able to have the life that you've always wanted. Share on XIf you’ve just started tuning in and you haven’t been here before, check out as many episodes as you can. They’re short and are meant to be a roadmap and a step-by-step guide to get you the most powerful mindset you can possibly have so that you can have the life that you have always wanted in the quickest and easiest way possible. Also, if you want to reach out to me and talk to me personally and privately, please do. All you have to do is reach out on my website. It’s

Get the most powerful mindset you can possibly have so that you can have the life that you have always wanted in the quickest and easiest way possible.
All the way down at the bottom, there is a button that says Ask April. That goes directly to me. I will personally get your message, and I will answer you personally and privately. I want to help you on this journey. In honor of the 35-year friendship I had with Sue Harper who was my one true believer, I want to offer to be your one true believer or one of the many true believers in you, and all of the things that you’re so capable of. Here’s to your success.