In today’s episode, April reveals a simple paradigm shift, a gratitude hack that could skyrocket your mindset practice results to new levels. When she started practicing this herself, she noticed three amazing benefits, one of which was this: she enjoyed a lot more wins! She reveals the other two in today’s episode of Winning Mindset Mastery. As you pursue your goals, following April’s simple advice in this episode will take a lot of pressure off of you and will make your journey more fun. A nice bonus: You’ll be in a stronger, more advantageous position to help people achieve their goals! Sound intriguing? Then click here now to listen to episode 62 of Winning Mindset Mastery! Here’s to your success!
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Reach Your Goals 3X Faster By Focusing on THIS Right Now
The United States had Thanksgiving, and that’s a time that we all think about the different things we’re grateful for. I try and think of the things that I’m grateful for all the time. That special reminder is helpful to me, and it made me think that one of the things that could be very helpful to you in your mindset practice and your growth is to take some time to focus on what you’re grateful for that you’ve learned from doing this practice because, what we tend to do, if you’re anything like me, is focus on how far we are from the goal.
Let’s say that a winning mindset is the same as running 10 miles. You’ve run 4 miles already, and you only have 6 left, and it’s pretty amazing. You’ve gotten through more than 1/3 of your race, yet what you’re focused on is, “I still have 6 more miles. This is going to take forever. How come I haven’t run faster? How come I’m not closer to the finish line?” We can do the same thing with our mindset. What can be really helpful is when you focus on all the things that are better for you because of the practice that you’ve started of developing this winning mindset.

Reaching Your Goals: It can be really helpful when you focus on all the things that are better for you.
You don’t ever get there because we’re constantly practicing it. What are the things that are different in your life because you’ve chosen to practice it? I’ll use myself as an example because this was helpful to me when I started to realize how it was impacting my life. The first thing that I realized was that when something happened that was upsetting, and to me, a really upsetting thing was almost always when I had some negative interaction with someone that I had a close relationship with, whether it was a friend, a relative, or someone I was in a relationship with, and they had a bad reaction to something.
It would usually knock me off-kilter. It would be something that I would be sad or upset about for the entire day. I would not be able to quit thinking about it. I realized very soon, after actively practicing having a winning mindset, that wasn’t the case anymore. It still bothered me, and I would still spend time on it.
As I started to manage my own mindset because I couldn’t control other people, their reactions, or the way that they felt about things, but I could control myself, it started to make a difference. Instead of something throwing my entire day off, it might have been 30 minutes or an hour, which, when you think about the amount of time that you spend being happy or at peace versus in an agitated state, was a huge win. Here is another thing that I noticed when I first started working on my mindset that I bet you’re noticing, too, especially if you’ve gotten that free download and gift on the website that helps you with doubling your wins in seven days.
You can’t control other people, their reactions, or the way they feel about things, but you can control yourself. And as you start to manage your own mindset, it will start to make a difference. Share on XOne of the exercises in there is doing three wins of the day. What’s amazing about that is I noticed quickly that because I was keeping track of the wins I had every day and getting those so I could write them down, keep track of them, and share them with others, I was noticing more and more wins all the time. It’s for a couple of different reasons. The first one is you get what you focus on. We talk about that all the time. It was so exciting to see it in action that as I’m just noticing big and little wins, more and more wins come my way. It seemed like I was generating this powerful momentum before I even understood what that was, and 100% you are.
Think about that. Are you grateful for the increase in the amount of things that are going well for you? If you want more and haven’t started doing that mindset exercise yet, you can go to my website,, and you can download that free gift. The third thing that I noticed when I was thinking about what I was grateful for about mindset was, all of a sudden, I realized that other people’s moods did not dictate the day I was going to have. This was a big one for me because if you go to work and your boss is in a bad mood, you’re going to have a bad day. You’re at home, and your significant other is in a bad mood, and you’re going to have a bad day. You get home, and maybe your kids, your friends, or someone is in a bad mood, and it just dictates the way that you experience the rest of the day.
By working on my mindset, I could separate. I didn’t like that they were having a bad day, they weren’t feeling well, or any of those things, but it didn’t have to impact the way that I felt. By the way, the best part of that, because we all know I love to help people, is that I was in a better position to help them. When you think about it, that makes a lot of sense. You want to help other people when they’re in a bad mood to the extent that you can because they have to want to be helped. If you think of a person who’s in a bad mood and is in a ditch, you can’t help them very well and get out of that ditch if you jump in it with them because now you’re both in the ditch.

Reaching Your Goals: You can’t help a person who’s in a bad mood and is in a ditch get out of that ditch if you jump in it with them, because now you’re both in the ditch.
It works that way too for mindset because if you can stay in your good place, you can help them reframe things, or you can help them start focusing on something else. You are in such a better position to do that if you are staying in a better place. Consistently working on my mindset allowed me to do that, and I was grateful for it. These are just three of the things I was grateful for.
There are a lot more, and the more I did it, the more I realized what was happening for me. Especially if you’re fairly new in your mindset practice, or let’s say you’ve been doing it for three months and you’re like most people where you focus on what you want to get better at more than you focus on what you have gotten so much better at already, taking that moment to have that gratitude and celebrate yourself and the work that you’re doing is going to make this happen for you even faster.

Reaching Your Goals: Taking that moment to have that gratitude and celebrate yourself and the work that you’re doing is going to make things happen for you even faster.
Think about that. I promise you it will make a difference. If you have some huge things you’re grateful for or even a little thing you’re grateful for and want to share with me personally, I want to hear from you. Go to my website, All the way down at the bottom of the page is Ask April. You can send me a personal message. I’m the only one who listens to them, and I will answer you personally and privately as well. Try this out. I hope you have an amazing week. Here’s to your success.