Quiet quitters. It’s a phrase we’ve heard a lot in the Summer of 2022. Quiet quitting happens when disillusioned, disgruntled employees decide they’re just going to do the bare minimum required to keep their job. Why? Because they’re working at a company that doesn’t appreciate them and give them recognition for their efforts. Maybe you’re one of these quiet quitters. If so, here’s the thing. Beyond the first day or week or two, quiet quitting won’t bring you happiness and satisfaction. Quite the opposite: you’ll feel worse and worse about where you are and what you’re doing. So what does April recommend you do instead of quiet quitting? Three things. She tells you what these three things are in today’s episode of the Winning Mindset Mastery Podcast
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Quiet Quitters, You Deserve BETTER. Here’s How To Get It!
Two phrases I have heard all summer long are quiet-firing and quiet-quitting. Quiet-firing is talking about the companies that won’t recognize employees who go above and beyond. They are quietly firing them and forcing them to go look for a job where they are recognized. Even longer than that is quiet-quitting. It is when people decide that they are going to do the bare minimum because they’re not somewhere where their efforts are recognized. These tie in with the Great Resignation and all of these things that have been going on since 2020. Folks are evaluating the way that they look at their jobs in the overall scope of their life.
I am here to talk to the quiet quitters. I’m not going to talk to the quiet firers because frankly, these things have been going on in companies for as long as there have been companies. The reason I want to talk to the quiet quitters is. What I need to tell every one of you is you deserve more than residing yourself to the fact that you’re just going to do the bare minimum and suffer through this job because they’re never going to recognize your efforts.

Quiet Quitters: You deserve more than resigning yourself to the fact that you’re just going to do the bare minimum and suffer through a job because they’re never going to recognize your efforts.
From a mindset perspective, I want to remind you that you get what you focus on. Quietly quitting is not going to make you feel satisfied past the first day or week or two. You are going to feel worse and worse about where you are and what you’re doing and I do not want that for you. Instead of quietly quitting, I’d like you to try these three things.
1) I want you to focus on the things that you do love about this job, your role and what you’re doing. Not because I want you to stay there. I want you to go to a company that deserves you or a place that motivates and inspires you. The easiest way for you to find that is by getting what you focus on. Focus on the things that you love about your role.

Quiet Quitters: Go to a company that deserves you or a place that motivates and inspires you. The easiest way for you to find that is by focusing on what you want.
2) I want you to play the opposite game. Every time your leadership, your company or anyone you interact with in your role is doing something terrible that would upset you, rile you or make you feel defeated or resigned about what you are doing, I want you to think of what it would feel like if they had done the opposite. I want you to think about that to put you in a better mindset where you are. You are going to be a better leader and you’re going to attract a better company into your life because that’s what you’re focused on. That immediately takes the power away from them.
3) I want you to commit to you and me that you are going to work to overcome whatever fear made you think that quiet quitting was the answer instead of going after the role that you deserve. Whatever it is that you’re afraid of, whether there’s a shortage of jobs, you won’t be able to find something else that you like or no one will hire you or you’re worried that if you quit this job, you’re not going to have the money to take care of yourself or your family, whatever that fear is, I want you to know that that fear is much bigger than what you will experience when you do it. Commit to yourself that you’re going to feel the fear and do it anyway.
Fear is much bigger than what you will experience when you do something. Commit to yourself that you're going to feel the fear and do it anyway. Share on XI say this as someone who spent most of my life being terrified of almost everything. I was scared of so many things so I had to do it anyway even when I was afraid. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have gotten to do anything. The more times I experienced that, the more fearless it made me because the experience was never as bad as the fear. I want you to commit to being open to a new job, a new company or a new place to be, even if it feels scary. That’s all I need you to do, those three things.

Quiet Quitters: You were meant for more. You don’t have to settle.
Understand that you were meant for more and you do not have to settle. Work on your mindset. I promise you, if you do that even in relation to this tough thing that you’re dealing with in your job, you will get something much better than what you have. If you have questions you want to talk about this more, don’t forget, you can always go to my website WinningMindsetMasteryPodcast.com. Down at the bottom of the page is the Ask April section. That’s where you can send me a private personal message in your voice. I will answer you right back privately and personally and we can talk about how we get you into a role that makes you never consider quietly quitting again. Here’s to your success.
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