It’s the New Year, a time that marks a clean slate for a new you! As we go through the rituals of resolution-making every year, we get confronted with the fact that starting the journey towards a better you can be difficult. Not to worry this time because April Shprintz is here to make it so much easier for you! Tune in to discover the simple tips that will help you stick through your resolutions, coming out of this year better than ever. So pick up your pencils and write down these strategies!
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New Year, New You. It’s Simple With These Tips!
I am so glad you’re here. Happy New Year. It’s January 1st. It’s a new year, new you. Most of us do this. Every year, we’re going to do something better than we ever have before. I’m here to make that so much easier for you. In a lot of ways, working on your mindset is a lot like working out. What I mean by that is that when you find someone who has an unbelievable physique and you want a body that looks just like that, you will probably find they got that body by doing functional-type movements.
Form follows function. Whether they did that working out or maybe they got it naturally because of a hobby they have or they work outside. They work with their body and their hands. What they have that you admire so much is the result of them consistently practicing some activity. Having the life you’ve always wanted is no different. The happiest people are consistently practicing their mindset techniques, and that’s how they have the life they’ve always wanted. It’s simply a byproduct.
The first one is reframes. You can feel better at the moment and begin to reframe things automatically by training your subconscious mind to be your unpaid assistant. If you’re not familiar with reframes, this is simply finding a way to view a situation in a way that makes you feel better. It empowers you and allows you to feel better about it. You probably already do this for friends and family, but it can be a little more difficult to remind yourself to do it for yourself when you’re experiencing different things. What I like to do when I feel myself becoming upset or I feel myself becoming stressed is say, “How could this be working out for me?”
I use the word could on purpose because it doesn’t have to be working out for me. I want to know all the different ways it could be because that can be more believable at the moment. Based on your past experience, it could be a lot easier for you to think of a bunch of scenarios where it could work out for you because there are things that have worked out for you in the past.

New Year New You: If you start practicing gratitude today, then in 7 to 14 days from now, you will have a very different feeling in life.
Another one and I love this one. It’s the wins of the day. If you start practicing gratitude now, then in 7 to 14 days from now, you will have a very different feeling in life. That sounds like a big promise, and it sounds crazy, but I’ve been doing this for years and it makes such an incredible difference. I know that it makes a difference because sometimes life will happen and I will find myself being in situations that get me away from that daily win practice, and I will notice a significant difference in the way I see the world and the way I feel.
All you have to do is write down three wins from the day prior. If you can do it in the morning, that’s the best to set you up for success, but write them down. They can be big. They can be small. They can be enjoying your cup of coffee. They can be seeing someone in their Christmas pajamas. Probably not Christmas, but this just happened to me. It makes you laugh. Whatever the win is, big or small, focusing on them will again, train your unpaid assistant, your subconscious mind to show you more wins that you may not have noticed otherwise, and you will feel better and better.
Whatever the win is, big or small, focus on them. Share on XNumber three, and this is one that I have been doing unconsciously since I was a child. I will tell you, it is incredibly powerful for you. I want you to focus on what you want and ignore the things that you don’t want. Whether that’s people, your environment, or situations, you focus on the things that you like and enjoy. Don’t pay attention to the others. What does this look like?

New Year New You: Focus on what you want and ignore the things that you don’t want.
In a person, you are paying attention to what you like about people. You’re complimenting them when they do the things that you enjoy and you’re reinforcing it. It’s very similar to how you do with children or animals. If you do it for yourself and you reinforce with others the things that you do like, number one, people enjoy being around you even more. Number two, you’re going to notice even more of the good things that those people do. Number three, people can’t help but want to do things that please other people when they’re fun to be around. You’ll find that the people you spend the most time with are doing more than you like.
What if things are going on around you that you don’t like? Ignore them. Whether it’s politics, your neighbors who are always in arguments with each other, the news, or whatever the negative thing is, the less attention you give it, the less power it has over you. Very little of the negativity that we’re exposed to around us informs us in a way that makes our lives better.

New Year New You: The less attention you give the negative, the less power it has over you.
By ignoring it, we can stay focused on the things that we want, the goals, the things that make us happy, and the things that improve our lives, and draw more of that into our lives. These three things, if you can repeat and enjoy these activities, they will not just change your mindset, they will change your life. They will make 2024 your best year ever. Promise. Here’s to your success.