On to today’s episode. If you’re on your journey to a better mindset, chances are you’re excited about it. Especially if you’re just begun. And let me guess, you can’t wait to tell your friends and family all about it. You want them to have the same wonderful results you’re enjoying. So it only makes sense to shout it from the rooftops and tell them about your mindset journey, whether they ask or not, right? Well, maybe not. If you want to more effectively influence the people closest to you to take up their own mindset practice, there’s something April recommends you do instead. She tells you about it in today’s episode of the Winning Mindset Mastery Podcast.
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My Worst Mindset Mistake…And How You Can Prevent It.
I want to do a little check-in on you and your mindset. How are things going? Do you feel like you’re making a powerful difference for yourself? Here’s the important question. Are you annoying your friends, family, coworkers, and the people around you? I ask this because when I first got committed to mindset, it’s like when you get committed to eating well or some other new hobby. You talk about it constantly and tell everyone about it. I was annoying, and here’s why I was annoying. I will also tell you how not to do what I did, but still help your friends. I was annoying because my life was so much better. I was experiencing everything I wanted. I felt like I’d found the biggest secret in the world about getting everything you wanted.
I wanted everyone else to have it. I had embraced the idea, which I still believe is true to this day, which is you get what you focus on. The people in my life I cared about focused on the negative or things they didn’t want. I was in a mad panic to change the way they were thinking because I didn’t want them to get these things they didn’t want. It’s funny when you talk about worrying. Sometimes, people would say that’s like praying for something you don’t want because you’re thinking about it so much. I believe that because you’re so focused. In those moments, I would try to quickly reframe things for people and tell them how if they looked at it this way, things would be so much better. They would get what they wanted and it would do this.

Mindset Mistake: You get what you focus on.
You shouldn’t think about it this way. You should this and constantly. I’m surprised I didn’t lose any friends because I was so adamant. I was a mindset pusher. You need to have a good mindset. The thing is, mindset is like anything else. It’s like someone who wants to get in shape, change their health, or go back to school. You can’t make them. You talking about it can’t change how they feel. It’s because most of the time when you’re talking about what they should be doing instead of what they are doing, their internal monologue is beating up on themselves a little more than they already do. It doesn’t take them into a more positive place. Every once in a while, if somebody is ready to hear it, it can be.
What I learned quickly was not to talk about mindset with people who didn’t ask me about it. The reason for that was because the people who asked and had questions and saw a difference in my life were the people I could help because they were ready. They wanted to talk about it and learn. Whereas the other people, it was like unsolicited advice, armchair quarterback, and that thing. You may be asking yourself, “How will they know to ask me if I don’t ever talk about mindset?” You’ll still talk about it without even realizing it, but you won’t talk about it in reference to them. You might reframe something that you were thinking about in front of them and change it for the better so that you feel better. In that example, they see you struggling with something.

Mindset Mistake: Do not talk about mindset with people who don’t ask you about it.
They hear you out loud reframing something so that you are thinking of it in a better way. If you’re not familiar with reframing, it is an exercise I do throughout the show where you’re viewing something and changing the angle you’re looking at it so you can feel better about it. It is a great technique to calm you down and keep you in a good mindset. You can also use it with other people when they ask you to. What’s so interesting is by modeling it. Instead of telling people about it, you help them an incredible amount. The funny thing is if you’re not trying to tell someone how to change their life and make it better, but they are watching you change your life and make it better, they become curious and then they’re in that place where you can help them.
If you’re a parent, you know this because you see your kids do this where they are much more likely to copy and model you. Just for fun, when they’re young, they will copy and model the things you like least about yourself. It’s so true with anyone and everyone for a leader as well. What you say has minimal impact on people if you don’t embody it. If you want to help those people in your life the most, the best thing you can do is practice and embody your mindset. Enjoy the way that it’s changing your life. Enjoy the way that it’s improving your experience. When asked about it, then you can share anything and everything. You can turn them on this show if you think that would be helpful. There is a ton of mindset information out there, and you can practice with them.
What you say has minimal impact on people if you don't embody it. Share on XSometimes, when you’re first learning to work on your mindset, it helps to have a buddy who you can bounce things off and talk about. The most important part is don’t be like me. Don’t do what I did and tell everyone what they should do differently. Stand back a little bit. Share with them the life you’re living and the way that you have experienced so much improvement. They’re going to see it. The ones that ask you those questions are going to be the ones that you can help the most. Here’s to your success.

Mindset Mistake: Sometimes, when you’re first learning to work on your mindset, it helps to have a buddy with whom you can bounce things off and talk about them.