It’s Independence Day in the United States. What a great time to talk about a winning mindset! Why? Because a strong, resilient mindset equals independence. When you have a winning mindset, you can feel calm and peaceful, even when the world around you seems to be falling apart. And your happiness won’t be dependent on your circumstances. In today’s episode of the Winning Mindset Mastery Podcast, you’ll discover a free tool that gives you a simple, three-step approach that will help you double your wins in 7 days and jumpstart the process of developing your powerful winning mindset.
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Mindset For True Independence
Happy 4th of July or Independence Day. If you don’t happen to be in the United States, we celebrate this day every year because it’s the day that we became a nation. What better thing to talk about with independence than your mindset because it gives you the ultimate independence in life? Before that, I have a wonderful announcement. It’s the day I get to announce the winner of our VIP Grand Prize draw from the weekly winners that we’ve had in the weeks prior.
Our winner is David Abel. David, we will be reaching out to you to let you know how we can schedule that full in-person all-day VIP session on mindset, business, and anything that you want. For everyone who entered the contest, I appreciate your participation and look forward to getting to know each and every one of you better as we continue on with the show.
In this episode, I want to talk about how a winning mindset gives you ultimate independence. Here’s what I mean by that. When you have a winning mindset, there can be drama and chaos all around you but you’ll find a way to see how things are working out for you and to reframe it and view it in a different way so that you can feel calm and peaceful, and maybe even help the others that are around you.
A winning mindset gives you ultimate independence. Share on XWhen you have a winning mindset, things that are going on in the economy don’t worry you because you’re confident that you will find ways to be successful regardless of the things that are going on. You aren’t as impacted by things in the news and things that are happening. You are independent of everything that’s going on around you. You can find peace, happiness, and opportunity. If you think about it, from a young age, we are conditioned that our happiness is dependent on other people, on the approval of our parents, the approval of teachers, or whether or not our friends want to play with us.

Winning Mindset: When you have a winning mindset, things that are going on in the economy don’t worry you because you’re confident that you will find ways to be successful regardless of the things that are going on.
It goes on throughout the rest of our lives where we can start to have the idea that the way that we can be happy is if things will go our way. We can be successful if this, this, and this will happen. Those things tend to be out of our control. We’ll think, “I can be happy when the news is all positive. I will be successful once I get this promotion. I’ll be happy once this political party is in office.” What you realize as you dig into that is that everything that you are setting up to have the life that you want is something that is outside of your control.

Winning Mindset: Everything you are setting up to have the life that you want is something that is outside of your control.
Interestingly, you could have all of those things happen but without taking the time to work on developing that winning mindset for yourself, there will be other things you notice that are still bothering you then too. As unlikely as it is for all of those things to align at once, even if they did, that would not be as powerful as having that winning mindset that allows you to appreciate all the things in your life that are going on for you now, that is going the way that you would like them to, and all of the things that you would be no noticing if you had a focus on the things that were going well in your life.

Winning Mindset: Having that winning mindset allows you to appreciate all the things in your life that are going on for you now.
I want to remind you of a tool that I have for you that is free. It is on the website. It’s at It is a free gift of a three-step process that will not only double your wins in seven days but will jumpstart your process of developing that winning mindset so that now, Independence Day, and always, you will have the most powerful thing that allows you to rely on you for everything that you want in life. Not only will it make your experience better but it will also happen much more quickly and much more easily than you could ever imagine. Go there, download that, and practice those processes. I want to hear how they go for you because I know they’ll make a tremendous difference. Here’s to your success.