This episode of Winning Mindset Mastery tackles a fresh perspective: how your mindset might be subtly aging you. Host April Shprintz breaks away from her usual topics to explore the impact of negative self-talk, focusing on limitations, and neglecting your well-being. Learn how to cultivate a youthful mindset for a life brimming with joy and fulfillment. Discover strategies to shift your perspective, prioritize self-care, and embrace a positive outlook on aging. This episode is like an anti-aging guide for your mind! Tune in and unlock the potential to feel vibrant and empowered, regardless of your age.
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Is Your Mindset Making You Old Before Your Time?
Do You Focus On What You Can’t Do Anymore?
Hi, there. I am so glad you’re here. We’re going to talk about something that I have never talked about on the show. It is if your mindset is actually aging you, here are some questions to ask yourself. Do you focus on what you can’t do anymore that you used to be able to do? Maybe you used to be able to run faster. You used to be more flexible. Maybe you could lift more. Maybe you used to be able to drink and not have a hangover. Maybe you used to stay up all night and not need sleep. Whatever it is, or you focused on those things or you may be focused on what about your body hurts or doesn’t work like it used to, or what about your life is different than it was when you were “young?” If you said yes to any of these questions, your mindset might be aging you.
What Does 60 Years Old Look Like To You?
Years ago, Tony Robbins did a seminar and he asked us this question, “What does 60 years old look like to you?” We’re supposed to flash to 60 years old in our mind, and everybody of course had a different view. He said, “Whatever you saw is what 60 years old will be for you because that’s what you believe. Your mind and body create your belief. Whatever you believe that looks like, that’s what it’s going to be like for you.” Lucky for me, I pictured Christie Brinkley because at the time, she was 60 years old. Right now, I feel like I’m in a good place but I just want to stay there.
The question is, “Do you want to age like the best version of you? Do you want to age the best way you can? When you imagine your “old age,” do you imagine a person you know that is still doing all the things they want to do, still having joy in life, still excited, still wanting it to be everything and always was. Or, are you picturing people who’ve given up? Because if you’ve pictured people who are giving up, then you might be aging yourself, and you don’t want to do that. You want to enjoy every moment.

Youthful Mindset: You might be aging yourself without knowing it. You don’t want to do that. You want to enjoy every moment.
Are You Taking Care Of Yourself?
The third thing I’ll ask you is, are you taking care of yourself? Because most of the people that I run into who are complaining about their age, by the way, these folks are in their 20s and 30s. I’m in my 40s, so if they’re complaining about their age to me, it makes me laugh. I wonder, “Are you taking care of yourself?” I’ll ask that question. A lot of times, I’ll hear all the reasons that they can’t, “I don’t have time to get enough sleep. Drinking water is difficult. I have kids. I have work commitments. I have this. I have that.”

Youthful Mindset: Are you taking care of yourself?
Here’s what I’ll say to that. Let’s imagine that you got your dream car. Whatever your dream car is, just imagine it in your mind. You now have it in your possession. The thing is you’re going to have that dream car for the rest of your life. What kind of gas would you put in it? How often would you rotate the tires and change the oil? How much care would you take when you were parking it, where you’re parking it? I bet you’d treat it totally differently if it was the absolute most amazing car you could have, but you also know you’re going to have that one for your whole life. You know where I’m going here. That’s your body. That’s the one you’re getting. Take care of it, and it will take care of you because that will also keep you feeling young.
If you take care of your body, it will take care of you. Share on XIf you’ve been listening to the podcast for any amount of time, you have probably heard me say I am like a 5-year-old with a bank account, and that is the age that I feel. I want that for each and every one of you because when you feel young, you tend to enjoy life more. You don’t have to be young, but feeling young is amazing. My only caveat to this, my only loophole, if you will, is if you find yourself feeling exceptionally old and you have children under the age of five, my message for you is that it will pass. This is the hardest time of life. Don’t worry. It gets better. It gets easier. You’ll even like your partner better, I promise.

Youthful Mindset: If you find yourself feeling exceptionally old and you have children under the age of five, don’t worry. It will pass.
If you have teenagers because those little guys seem to want to remind you you’re old as much as possible, ignore them or embarrass them in front of their friends every time they do it until they stop. Either way, use these tips and techniques to really turn around the way that you view aging that you can stay as young as you want to be forever, and have as much fun as you’re meant to have. Here’s to your success.