Do you believe you’re behind in the race of life? Do you get the nagging feeling you were made for more, but you don’t know what more looks like for you? Or maybe you’ve enjoyed a lot of success, and you feel you’ve arrived on some level, but you sense it’s still not enough, that something important is missing. If so, this is the podcast for you. Join April Shprintz, noted mindset expert, award-winning author, business accelerator, and creator of The Generosity Culture®, as she seeks to help listeners from all walks of life reach their goals and become a better version of themselves. She will inspire, motivate, and guide you to the consistently winning mindset that will help you meet and exceed your goals in life. For over 50 episodes of the Winning Mindset Mastery Podcast, April has helped you build a strong mindset foundation. The biggest lesson she’s given is this one: view things as happening for you instead of to you. Even if you never went beyond that, your life could be so much better in so many ways. But on today’s episode, April shows you how to go deeper and build an even stronger mindset. She tells you about a simple but mega-powerful mindset building strategy that was a HUGE part of Zig Ziglar’s success! Curious? Want to find out more? Tune in to today’s episode! Here’s to your success!
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Is There Something The Happiest And Most Successful People Do That Others Don’t?
For over 50 episodes, we have been building a foundation of a winning mindset. A winning mindset is the foundation of all of the mindset work that we will continue to do. That winning mindset foundation is incredibly powerful because it gives you so many things that help you create the life you want. The biggest of those is the ability to see things as happening for you instead of to you. That is incredibly powerful for three reasons.
One, it’s the first one and it’s the biggest one. It helps you enjoy your life more. If we get into a little psychology here, everything that it is that we want in life, whether it be success, money, or family, we are going after these goals because we want to feel good. We want to enjoy life more at the most basic level. The great thing about mastering your mindset is that you enjoy everything about your life more, even on the way to getting those things.
The second is it allows us to respond instead of react. The difference that is responding is very solutions based. It’s very logic-based and you are in control of that. Whereas in a reaction, you are fear-based and emotion-based, and that’s when life can feel out of control or you feel powerless. Mastering the way that we respond to life is something that makes us feel we are in control of what’s going on to the best of our ability at any given time.

Generosity Mindset: Mastering the way we respond to life is something that makes us feel we are in control of what’s going on to the best of our ability at any given time.
The third is mastering that foundation allows us to focus on what we do want instead of spending so much time worrying or focusing on what we don’t want. 1) That makes it much more likely we will get the things we do want. 2) If you are interested in manifesting or the law of attraction, this is the first step to making those things happen.
If this one topic or this one foundation of mindset was the only thing you ever mastered, you would have a tremendously better life. You don’t have to go any further, but let’s think of this as a college-level education and mindset. Once we master that, we are at a great level to do anything. In some cases, you want to specialize in something more specific, more technical, and it will help you get even better in certain specific areas. That’s one of the things I want to talk about with 1 of what I see as 7 different areas of mindset. This one mostly applies to business and careers. For the folks that have already seen the impact of having a winning mindset, this will take you next level.
For those of you who have said to me, “Having a winning mindset has prepared me to have this incredible life, and I love the things that I have learned. Now I want even more success. Can I dial in and do more so my career or my business is even more successful?” That’s where this particular mindset comes in. I call it a generosity mindset. The most basic way of explaining it is you approach every business situation, regardless of what business you are in, with an attitude of, “How can I help?”
One of the greatest motivational speakers in our history and a phenomenal salesperson, Zig Ziglar, said this in the most incredible way you could, which was simply, “You can have everything in the world you want if you will help enough other people get what they want.” The message here is clear. If you know anything about Zig, he was incredibly financially successful. He achieved a great level of fame and wrote books, but he helped tons and tons of people.
The answer is right there in his quote. You help through being generous with your time, you can find success in business regardless of what area of business you are in. I have talked about this before. There are people who say, “It’s a dog-eat-dog world. It’s you or them. Business is war.” I couldn’t disagree with that any more than I possibly do. Throughout my career and throughout the careers of so many successful people that are admired by people across the world, it has been that act of being of value and being of service to others that have not only begun that success but ensured it over time.
When you help others by being generous with your time, you can find success in business, regardless of what area of business you are in. Share on XIf you are looking to apply this in your business world, it is another one of those things that are so simple, it sounds like it’s too good to be true, and it’s consistently applying it that makes such a difference. The first part is simply asking yourself, in any business situation, “How could I help? How could I be of value here?” It’s going a little above and beyond. It’s being proactive. It is doing the thing that you would want someone to help you with if you were the person on the other side of the phone or the other side of the conversation.
When I teach this in businesses and help them build a generosity culture, it is using that process of pouring into your people, your clients, and your community. You don’t have to be a business to do this. Any individual can because regardless of who you are, there are people you can pour into, clients you can pour into, and a community that you live within that you can pour into. You could say, “What if I’m a stay-at-home parent?” The people are your kids, your family, and your spouse. Your clients are the world at large. If you help create great people within your family, the world at large is going to be served very well, and your community will be wherever it is that you interact.

Generosity Mindset: You don’t have to be in business to build a culture of generosity. Any individual can, because regardless of who you are, there are people, clients, and a community that you live within that you can pour into.
If you are a person that works in a company and you are like, “I don’t manage any people and I don’t get to talk to any clients.” In that case, the people are your teammates and the folks that you work with. How can you be of service to them? How can you help them? Your clients are whatever division or area of the company that you serve.
If you are in the finance division, you are working with a lot of different people in the company. Those are your clients. How can you take their feedback and understand their issues to develop better processes, better ways of doing things, and better ways of serving them? With your community, it’s how can you use your skills whether that community is right there in your neighborhood, your city, or it’s regional or global because of social media, we can reach people everywhere. No matter who you are and what business you are in, and what career you have, you have the opportunity to pour into people, clients, and the community.

Generosity Mindset: Having a true generosity mindset is what is going to set you apart.
I want you to do this and I want you to see what starts to happen. I promise I’m not leading you down a crazy path. This is how I have gone about business for my entire career. This is how I have seen some of the most incredible companies be so successful that people were shocked by what they were able to do. That was in any economy and in any situation that was going on because these principles are so powerful. Having that winning mindset allows you to insulate yourself from the things that happen to you and to be in a better place regardless of what the situation is around you.
Having a true generosity mindset is what is going to set you apart as a company when you are looking to hire people. It’s what’s going to set you apart as a person, an individual contributor in any company you want to go and work for. This is a mindset that truly turns into a skillset that lets you stand out as being truly exemplary and truly special, so give this a try. Implement this in your work life and let me know how it goes for you. I can’t wait to hear your stories. Here’s to your success.