Looking at your life through a lens of lack? This is a habit that can hold you back from getting so many good things in life. If you find yourself constantly saying things like, “I don’t have time,” or, “I’m not getting enough sleep,” or, “I can’t afford it,” guess what? You’re looking at life through the lens of lack. That focus on lack brings a feeling we all hate. It feels uncomfortable, “low,” “sad.” So how do you combat this feeling of lack? April gives you her take on today’s episode of Winning Mindset Mastery. It’s surprisingly simple! And get this: once you combat that feeling, you start to see more ways to get more of the things you want. Sound interesting? Then click here now to listen! To your success!
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Is Focusing On Lack Holding You Back? Here’s How To Know And How To Fix It.
Thank you for joining me. Have you slipped into looking at your life through a lens of lack? Is that holding you back from all the things that you want in your life? How would you know? If you’re looking at things through a lens of lack, you are focusing on the gap between where you are and what you want. You say things to yourself and to others like, “I don’t have enough time. I’m not getting enough sleep. I’ve only had three hours of sleep last night. I only had four. That’s not in my budget. I don’t have enough money. I thought I’d be farther on this by now. I’m worried about the job market. There are not enough jobs out there for people like me. I don’t know what I’m going to do. I don’t have anything exciting to focus on.”
Doesn’t that sound weird coming from me, that kind of focus? It’s because a focus of lack is not something that I generally have, and you can feel it. You can feel that energy. It feels low, uncomfortable, and sad. The thing is all of us get in that place. I get into a place of lack where I’m focusing on that gap between what I have and what I want.
The not-enoughs can sneak up on us at any time in any place. Sometimes we know, and sometimes we don’t because we might not even feel them creeping in. Yet, the moment you recognize that they are, here is a surefire way to get it to turn around and start going in the right direction for you again. We’ve talked about gratitude and appreciation lots of times and how they can be used for many different things in your life. It is the number one way to combat a feeling of lack. What’s great is once you combat that feeling, then you start to see more ways that you can get more of the things that you want.

The “not-enoughs” can sneak up on us at any time in any place.
Remember, when you appreciate things and have gratitude for the things that you have in your life, things that years ago you wanted and that you prayed for, where you are in your career, or where you are in your health, when you start to recognize what a great place that is, remember that you are telling your subconscious mind or that unpaid assistant, “Pay more attention to these things. Show me more things to be grateful for. Show me more things to appreciate.”
When we say, “Time flies when you’re having fun,” you get to your goals and the places that you want to be so much faster when you’re having a good time. Switching that lens and starting to appreciate what is going well and have gratitude for all the things that have happened to you is going to make that journey that much more fun and that much faster. If you find yourself focusing on lack or you have heard yourself say some of the things I was talking about, get into a gratitude and appreciation practice right away. I’m going to give you three different examples of ones you can do that take varying amounts of time so that you can get yourself back on track really quickly.
You get to your goals and the places that you want to be so much faster when you're having a good time. Share on XNumber one, and some of you have heard me say this before, when you wake up in the morning, take the first seventeen seconds, I say go for 30, but it only takes 17 to appreciate things in your life. Appreciate the bed that you’re sleeping in and the weather that you’re going to have that day. Appreciate the morning cup of coffee that you’re looking forward to, the friend you’re going to see that day, or the project you’re excited about. It can be big or little, but start that momentum of appreciation. Remind your subconscious, “This is what we’re looking for. When you’re filtering those two million pieces of information every second, I want to see everything that I could appreciate or be grateful about.”

When you wake up in the morning, take a few seconds to appreciate the things in your life.
Number two is those wins of the day. I cannot stress this enough. They are so impactful. Take three wins of the day. Write them down. It can take you less than five minutes. They can be big or small. It does not matter. Some days, I am literally writing down that my win yesterday was I got to eat at my favorite restaurant. Some days, I am writing that I signed a six-figure deal with a company that I really admire. Whatever it is and whatever is a win for you, write that down. It can be even more powerful if you decide to do it with the people that you love. Do it with your family or significant other. Share those together. That is because then, as a group, you are starting to look for more things to be grateful for and appreciate.

Look for more things to be grateful for and appreciate.
Lastly, if you’re someone who wants to dig in and do it as much as possible, set an alarm on your phone and do appreciation and gratitude for 30 seconds to 1 minute 3 to 5 times a day. See if you don’t feel differently about your entire day. That is because when you’re focused on the wrong area, it only takes a little bit of effort after that recognition to get you focused in the right place and make that journey so much more fun for you. Give this a try. Let me know how it works for you. Remember, you can always reach out to me on my website WinningMindsetMasteryPodcast.com. At the bottom is Ask April, where you and I can have a private two-way conversation. I want to hear how this is working for you. Here’s to your success.