Wealth building is more than simply implementing a solid financial strategy. Most importantly, it is all about having a positive money mindset that does not invite doubts and fear. April Shprintz is here to break down the six different categories of people’s fundamental beliefs in money. She explains why you should always see wealth as an amplifier of freedom instead of the root of all evil.
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How To Keep A Positive Money Mindset
I am so glad you’re here. I’ve got a question from several readers about making money, and how is it that with my background and coming from a family that was very poor, on food stamps, and below the poverty line, making money has always come so easily to me? Not everything comes easily to me. I want to share the things that do because there may be things about the way I see things, the way I look at them, and the way I go after things that one small little change could make an incredible difference for you.
I have found over my lifetime that most people have some very fundamental beliefs about money, and it tends to fall into six different categories. These are my categories, but this is what I have found as I’ve worked with entrepreneurs, business owners, and individuals over the years. People see money as either 1 of 3 good things if you want to put it in a category. They see it as an amplifier, a source of freedom, or a source of safety.
In that group, I fall into the people who see it as an amplifier. Money makes you more of what you already are. It’s like handing a megaphone to someone. If they’re saying good words, then good words are much louder and heard by many more people. If they’re saying bad things, they’re much louder and heard by many more people. There are also, from the freedom side, people who think they can do whatever they want once they have a certain amount of money. Also, on the safety side, people who feel that they’d be protected and they’d feel safe and comfortable if they had that certain amount of money.
Money makes you more of what you already are. Share on XOn the other side of it, there are still people who believe that money is evil and that having a lot of it will make you evil. There are folks who believe it’s limited. They have a scarcity mindset. They believe that if lots of people are rich, then that lessens the chance that they themselves can have wealth. There are people who believe that money is for others. “It is not for me.”
The thing that’s important to understand about your money belief is it was formed by the age of six. It was formed based on the beliefs you were surrounded with, not necessarily the things that you truly believe. The first part of changing your belief system around money is to ask yourself, “Do you believe these things? If you do, why do you believe these things?”
Seeing money as an amplifier, of freedom, or safety is not a bad thing. What I would tell you if that’s the way that you see money is to ask yourself why you see it that way and see if it resonates with who you are versus whether you are parroting or repeating something that you were taught that doesn’t match your worldview anymore.
What I mean is this. If I saw money as an amplifier, yet then I got tons and tons of money and I didn’t feel like it increased my ability to help people or do the things that I wanted to do, I would think, “Somebody told me that. It’s not something I believe anymore.” It’s because our beliefs are thoughts that we’ve thought over and over again. I’ll be the first person to raise my hand and tell you I have believed things that were absolute garbage because somebody I trusted at some point told me.
It’s important that we question all our beliefs, not only about money, but questioning your beliefs about money can benefit you, especially if your money beliefs fall into the bottom three categories of thinking it’s evil, limited, scarce, or for other people and not for you. It’s because if you are there, you need to, in order to create the wealth that you want in your life, be able to tell yourself that those three things are not true.
You need to not only be able to tell yourself that, but you need to truly cultivate that belief in order for you to get aligned with making more money and bringing more money into your life. If you’re in that first three groups and you see it as an amplifier of freedom or safety, what I encourage you to do is find ways to feel like you are already amplified. You already have freedom. You already have safety because, in those three, it’s a beneficial thing. It is easy to think about, and you think that you already have those things even without the money will make it easier for you to increase the speed at which you accumulate it.

Money Mindset: If you already think of money as an amplifier, you can increase the speed at which you accumulate it.
Here is one way that has worked exceptionally well for me. It’s funny. It worked easier for me in making money than it did in getting healthy. That’s why it’s such a great example for me. For years and years, I found it tough to be at the fitness level that I wanted to be. I didn’t always like working out. I thought it was hard to eat healthy and nutritious food all the time. Once I realized that being fit was a result of having these consistent behaviors of moving my body, eating the food that it needed, and going to sleep when I should, the fitness started following those behaviors.
Money works the same way. If allowing yourself to feel like you have freedom with your money and freedom with your time, you feel safe because of the activities that you’re doing, whether you’re investing, saving, or paying for things that are important to you or your family and investing in yourself, or even amplifying yourself because you’re doing more good with what you have.

Money Mindset: If you allow yourself to feel like you have freedom with your money and time, you will feel safe. You are investing in yourself and paying for important things for your family.
You will be doing that consistent behavior that is going to bring more money into your life even more quickly. It may sound crazy if it’s never happened to you. I’m going to ask you to borrow some belief from me, try to work on this for a little bit of time, and then watch the opportunities that happen. You don’t have to believe that it’s going to happen 100% but believe that it’s worth practicing so that you can see these coincidences for yourself.
If you don’t believe me, I will give you some examples of coincidences that have happened to friends, family, and clients. Those are things like a car dealership sending money where they accidentally took too much for tax, tag, and title where it was a few hundred dollars, or someone getting a payment that, for whatever reason, had not gone through the bank when a client tried to pay them and $500 showed up.

Money Mindset: If you get into a positive alignment with how you see money and your beliefs are matching up with your health, you will never have to worry about being broke again.
Also, I have had a client that have such great results later on after we stopped working together that they traced back to the time that we worked together. They mailed me a five-figure check as a thank you. I’m telling you. If you practice this and get in alignment with the way that you see money and your beliefs matching up with you having more wealth, you will never have to worry about being broke again. Here’s to your success.