A question for you. Is success transferable? Can success in one part of life help you succeed in another? The answer is yes! Here’s the thing: The skills that lead to success in one area are often the skills that help you succeed in something else. But to make sure you successfully transfer these skills, there are three specific steps you need to take. You’ll discover what these three steps are in episode 13 of the Winning Mindset Mastery Podcast. Tune in here!
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How To Experience Transcendent Success
Has someone ever said to you that success is transferable? If they haven’t, let me be the first. Success is transferable. What’s so exciting about this is even though every time we try and do something new, whether it’s a hobby or a new job, a new business, or anything that is a challenge to us, we experience fear. It doesn’t matter how many times you’ve been successful. If you’re honest with yourself, you still feel fear when you’re trying a new thing.
What is amazing, though, is when you’ve got success under your belt, regardless of in what, those same skills and that same mindset can help you be successful in a totally different area. Let me explain what I mean. In Corporate America, in the sales divisions, one of the top recruits that they have for young people is former athletes, especially collegiate athletes, but even someone who really took athletics seriously in high school.
When you've got success under your belt, regardless of what, those same skills and that same mindset can help you be successful in a totally different area. Share on XThe reason is that the mindset and the skillsets are so similar because, in sales, you have a ton of accountability, much like an athlete. You are working with a team and you’re all members of the same team working together, but you personally have to show up every day and do very similar things to what you would do in a sales role. You have to be consistent. You have to work at it every day. You have to put in the same level of effort whether you’re having a good day or a bad day, and because of that, companies have learned that former athletes are great folks to pull into sales even if they’ve never been in sales before because they have so many of those skills.
Here’s what’s interesting. Many of the skills that we use in different things are transferable in different areas. For me personally, before I started my company, I sold in three totally different industries. While there were some people who questioned if I could do that, I was able to because I transferred so many of the same skills and so many of the same habits to a new industry.

Transcendent Success: Many of the skills that we use for different things are transferable to different areas.
I had to learn about something. Even that, because I had been a news anchor where your job is to become somewhat of a small expert on a bunch of different subjects, those were skills that I had that I could apply there. What’s so fantastic about this is how you are going to be able to apply skills you already have to other endeavors that you take, and you’re going to speed up your learning curve because of it.
By the way, mindset translates across all subjects. Imagine how much more powerful it is when you realize, “I was amazing at customer service, so I’m going to be great in this new internal service role because now the internal employees have become my customers.” Think of the ways you are going to be able to leverage and use the very same skills. Some of them will surprise you because there are going to be skills that you have that you didn’t realize were so important to the new thing that you’re trying to do.
If you are a mother returning to the workforce, you will find that many of the skills you use to multitask and manage your family are very similar to the tasks that you need to multitask and manage a team. Similarly, if you are a gentleman who was in the military and now you are going to be an entrepreneur, you’re going to find that that discipline or that look for solutions and can-do attitude that was just part of your military experience is going to be a skill that you can not only transfer, but that will make a tremendous difference in the way you experience that startup culture.
Here are the three things that you need to do to make sure that your success is transferable. The first thing is to come into it with an open mind, understanding that you’re not going to be perfect at the new thing right away. That feedback that you get, whether that feedback is from your coworkers, spouse, or clients, is going to be valuable in adapting to learning the new things about this skill that you’re trying to do.

Transcendent Success: That feedback you get is going to be valuable in adapting to learning new things about the skill that you’re trying to do.
The second is to be confident in the fact that you will learn a new skill faster than you learn the first one. This is going to help you keep that open mind. It’s going to help you feel good about the process, even when it’s scary, knowing that since you’re already applying skills that you have had for quite a bit of time, it’s going to be a faster ramp-up for you. That will make things tremendously different, especially if you keep that top of mind.
Lastly, and this is a very important one, respect the new subject. Respect that there are things you do not know and need to learn. Try and look at that with a childlike mind. If you notice a child learning a new skill, and learning to walk is the best example I’ve ever heard, do you ever notice how kids don’t get mad at themselves when they fall down? They just go, “I fell down,” and they get back up.

Transcendent Success: Respect the process and the fact that there are things you do not know and need to learn.
They may cry if it hurts, but they get back up and they keep trying. That’s them respecting the process, respecting that there are things they need to learn to stand on their feet. If you can do that as well, you will not only be able to transfer your success to a variety of different thing. You’re also going to be able to do it more quickly and with a lot less pain.
Try out this simple three-step process and let me know how it goes. Head over to the website WinningMindsetMasteryPodcast.com. At the very bottom of the page, you can leave me a voice message. I will answer you personally. I want to know how this is going. While you’re there, I have a free gift for you that will help you double your wins in seven days. I’d love for you to get that. We still have a little time before that grand prize drawing to win the VIP day with me in person. Make sure to go ahead and enter that because I would love to spend an entire day with you. Here’s to your success.