Limiting beliefs can hold you back from achieving your goals. In this episode, April Shprintz explores the power of identifying and overcoming these beliefs to create a better life. She dives into a personal limiting belief about relationships and discusses how recognizing and reframing it led to a positive shift in perspective. Discover practical tips for uncovering your own limiting beliefs and replacing them with empowering ones to make 2025 your best year ever! Tune in to learn how to break free from self-imposed limitations and achieve your full potential.
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Here’s How To Break Down Your Limiting Beliefs
I am so glad you’re here. How is your 2025 going so far? Is it everything that you hoped it would be or are you like me and you’re just at the start? You’re waiting to see what happens. This is the time of year where people want to change themselves for the better. A lot of times that means focusing on the outside which, for me, I have a lot more progress when I focus on the inside, specifically limiting beliefs. Whether it’s me or clients or others.
Now, here’s what’s tricky. You say rarely limiting beliefs out loud because if you did, you might notice that they were weird or complete bullshit. Someone else might even say, “That’s not true,” but the thing is we rarely say them out loud. We almost never say them to someone else. If we did, we would hear how crazy they were, so they stayed hidden. We don’t know they’re there and we certainly don’t know how to break through them.
We rarely say our limiting beliefs out loud. If we did, we would hear how crazy they were. Share on XSay Your Limiting Beliefs Out Loud
I’m going to take you through a limiting belief I recognized in me and how much of a game changer it was when I did. I’m also going to tell you how you can find more of your limiting beliefs to make this your best year ever and your best life ever. It was so crazy to realize I had a limiting belief because I was having a conversation. I was working with a coach of mine and I said the craziest thing, I said, “Love is hard. Relationships are hard.” Anyone you care about, there’s a certain amount of bullshit you got to put up with. I could tell by his face that he did not think that and that that was a crazy thing.
I believed my entire life, whether it was family or relationships, that love hurts and you should accept that. You just need to know how much of that you want to accept. It sounds so weird coming from me, even as I say it now. I’m cringing a little bit because if he told me making money was hard, I’d say no. If you said life was hard, I would say, “No, that’s a choice.” If you told me anything was hard. I will tell you how to reframe it. Except loving people. It came from such a long time ago. It was so ingrained. I didn’t even realize I thought it.
Building New Beliefs For A Better Life
I had never set it out loud other than to maybe girlfriends or something when I was in a significant relationship and I thought, “Is this weird how much of this bullshit that I’m putting up with here? How much bullshit is too much bullshit?” I remember having those conversations with the women in my life, smart and successful women. The weird thing is, a lot of them were in the same boat I was in because they were like, “I don’t know.” It never occurred to me that maybe the question should be, how happy can you be in your personal relationships? How much fun can it be to have people in your life?
I don’t just mean like your significant other. I also mean your family but people don’t think about it this way. Not everyone and I certainly didn’t. All I thought was I have a belief that this should be hard, which means relationships being hard is what I have always focused on and you get what you focus on, so things have been challenging for me. What if I build the new belief that all relationships can be fun and easy? Most of the time. A belief is just a thought that we’re going to think over and over.
You get what you focus on. Share on XIf we get more of what we focus on, I want more of that. This was monumental for me because I realized in so many areas of my life, I accepted less than I deserved because from a very young age, I saw my mom do it and I felt it from different family members. When any relationship, be it a friendship or a significant other, interactions with family was hard and terrible. I thought this is just part of it. That’s how it is and now I’m realizing it isn’t. It doesn’t have to be like that. You can be so happy.
How To Identify A Limiting Belief
Here I am uncovering this limiting belief that allows me to move forward in a better way and I’ll help you know how you can identify limiting beliefs that might be holding you back that you’re not aware off. Look for that area of your life that’s hard when others are easy. These are going to be different for everyone but it’s probably going to be around making money, getting fit, relationships like mine was, or maybe career progression.
If something in your life is hard when most things are easy, then you have a limiting belief. Share on XIf it’s hard and you’re someone who’s mastering your mindset, that’s a surefire sign that there’s a limiting belief in the way because you don’t think things are hard. You think, I can make this happen and I can get what I focus on. It’s a surefire sign if something in your life is hard when most things are easy that you have a limiting belief. That, my love, is bullshit and you can fix it. You can recognize it. You can say it out loud and build a new belief. It will be incredible. We will figure it out and you can build a new one. Why not? We can do anything in 2025 and always. Here’s to your success.