One of the best ways to improve your reframing skills is to listen to other people’s reframing stories. The more of these your mind is exposed to, the more likely you are to be able to quickly and easily reframe the things that happen to you in your day-to-day life. That’s why this podcast features a different reframe story every week. And this week’s reframe is one that will speak directly to almost everyone. Imagine a work situation where your boss seems to be micromanaging you. You’re frustrated. You’re stressed. You wish it would stop. And then you find out it’s happening because your boss believes in you and is preparing you for a big promotion. Here’s the thing: If you had known your boss’ intentions from the start, your attitude toward the situation would have been a lot different. Talk about a powerful reframe! Does this sound like a reframe story you can’t wait to listen to? Then tune into today’s episode of the Winning Mindset Mastery Podcast.
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He Thought His Boss Was Just Being An Annoying Micromanager. Then This Happened
Thank you for joining me. You may have noticed, if you’ve been tuning in to the show for a little bit that I do a reframe with you every week. If you’re new to the show, then go back and tune in because they can be very helpful to you. Basically, what I’m doing is taking a situation and telling you what happened, what the person experienced, and then the result and what actually happened because of that experience, or a different way to look at it during.
What is so useful about this is that it’s great to go back into your past and see situations that happen that maybe in the moment were stressful, scary, or taxing but were always working out for you, and once you had more information, you understood that. You can also learn a lot from seeing it happen to someone else or hearing about it happening to someone else because you’re even more objective.

Reframing: It’s great to look back and see situations that, maybe in the moment, were stressful, scary, or taxing but were always working out for you.
The more of those scenarios that you’re aware of that are in both your conscious and unconscious mind, the more likely you are to be able to reframe the things that happened to you in your day-to-day life. I am excited about this episode’s reframe because it speaks to something that happens to most of us. Having another way to look at this could be so incredibly powerful and may make a difference for you right now in something that you’re going through.
I had someone share with me a situation that they had many years ago, where they were a manager of an operations plant. The general manager or the GM, the head of everything, came in every month and stayed for a week. During that week he would be in the conference room asking all these questions, drilling this manager on the profit and loss, all of the operations reports, the balance sheet, and all of these different things.

Reframing: The general manager came in every month and stayed for a week. During that week, he would be in the conference room, drilling this manager, and asking questions and all these different things.
He would ask him tons of questions about them. It would make him pretty nervous. He felt like he was under the gun. They would spend two days every month going through all of these different things. The manager thought to himself, “Why is my boss not the one who’s in here?” It was one of those things where it didn’t seem fair and it was taxing and tough for him and it went on for quite a while. When I say quite a while, it went on for eighteen months. Some of that drilling into him turned into teaching and things like this, but this kept going on without him understanding why it was him and not his boss, and trying to show up the best that he could.
After eighteen months, it all became clear because that GM had seen something special in him as an employee, and had decided that he could be trained and taught to run his own plant. He got a huge promotion and he was given his own plant to run because that GM not only poured into him for eighteen months and helped him become the leader he would need to be, but that GM also went to the corporate headquarters and lobbied for him to be the one that got that new role.

Reframing: After eighteen months, it all became clear because the GM had seen something special in him as an employee and had decided that he could be trained and taught to run his own plant.
Now, let’s think about that for a moment. How powerful would it have been if he had known in those eighteen months why this tough stuff was happening? It would’ve been amazing. It would’ve been so much easier to take, but we just don’t always know those things. However, if you’re tuning in to this show and you’re working on having a winning mindset, you are learning how to trust that even those things that are so aggravating and so hard are actually happening for you, not to you. You just need a little more information, or in this case, eighteen months to understand why.
Trust that even those things that are so aggravating and so hard are actually happening for you, not to you. You just need a little more information to understand why. Share on XI love sharing these because there are so many different situations that happen that in hindsight, we then know happened for us. The more of those that we encounter, the more we can trust that that’s what’s happening every time. Look for those clues and look for that information about how it’s working out.
I love when people share these stories. If you would like me to help you reframe something, or if you have something that you’ve reframed and you want to share it with me because I’d love to hear about it, go to the website At the very bottom, there’s a picture of me and somewhere where you can actually click and speak directly to me and send me a private message.
You can ask for my help. You can give me feedback, whatever you want. I will answer you privately and personally as well because I’d love to hear how this is going. I’d love to hear how the weekly reframes help you, as well. Here’s to your success.
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