Have you ever seen a toddler learning to walk? They get up and fall down over and over again, but failures and setbacks don’t stop them. They’re excited and confident to go after the things they want. And beyond just confidence, toddlers can teach us a lot about mindset. Today, April Shprintz shares what we can learn from toddlers when it comes to mindset. Tune in and start being inspired by that three-year-old on a playground in a Batman cape and rain boots.
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Getting Inspired By A Three-Year-Old Wearing A Batman Cape
Hi there. Thank you for reading. I am so glad you’re here. A lot of times, when I am talking to my group Business Acceleration clients, I talk about going after whatever it is that they want in their business, like a three-year-old on a playground in a Batman cape and rain boots. What I mean by that is the way that they go after things, the confidence that that three-year-old has when they don’t care what anyone else thinks about what they’re wearing because they are a superhero, and it doesn’t matter to them that they’re not raining because those boots are awesome. They just absolutely go for it.
Usually, when we visualize these things, the entrepreneurs are excited, and they remember something that they were that confident about. The thing is, beyond just confidence, toddlers can teach us a lot about mindset. First example, have you ever seen a toddler learning to walk? Talk about overcoming setbacks. They get up, they fall down, they get up, they fall down. I have never seen a toddler learn to walk and just do it absolutely flawlessly.

Toddler Mindset: No toddler has learned to walk and did it flawlessly, but the many failures and setbacks don’t stop them.
What I’ve noticed is those many failures, those setbacks, absolutely do not stop them. Even if they fall down and get hurt and cry, and then are consoled, they’re going to get back up and do it again. That’s something that from a mindset perspective, especially when you’re pursuing goals, is so valuable to your life and to your business.
Second one, do you ever notice that when they fall down, that when they’re not good at walking in the very beginning or anything they’re trying to do that’s new, they are not embarrassed? There is no shame in their game. They have this really amazing learning attitude that we lose as we get older. Think about it, no child is embarrassed that they’re not good at something right off the bat.

Toddler Mindset: Toddlers have this amazing learning attitude that we lose as we get older.
As adults, we have to train ourselves to be comfortable being uncomfortable because it makes us so uncomfortable not to be good at something right off the bat. We have not really learned, unless you’re someone that has practiced this, how to learn and be comfortable with the process. Sometimes golfers can be really good at this, or folks who have been playing an instrument for years, just really learning for mastery instead of learning to say, “I got that, I can do that.” Toddlers are great at it. There is no embarrassment when they’re learning something new.
As adults, it makes us so uncomfortable not to be good at something right off the bat. We have not learned, unless you're someone who has practiced, to be comfortable with the process. Share on XThird one, no matter how big a toddler goes in a given day, they are going to go just that hard the next day. You never hear a toddler saying, “I really went after it yesterday. Did the playground, played with the puppy, went on the slide, did some stuff in the water, the sprinkler. I’m going to take it easy today. I’ve earned this. I’m just going to relax.” Toddlers just go for it every single day. There is consistency in the way that they pursue fun, in the way that they pursue learning, in the way that they pursue growth. If we, as adults, emulate it, we will be unstoppable just like they are.
These seem like such tiny lessons, but think about if you apply one of these, or even better, all three of these to your life starting right now, how amazing you’d be. There are a ton of things that we can learn from toddlers. I think of them as tiny titans because their mindset is really that growth mindset, that winning mindset that gets them what it is that they want. The next time that you’re going after something and it feels a little too big for you or hard to get there, I want you to think of a toddler mindset, and become your own little version of a tiny titan. Here’s to your success.

Toddler Mindset: Toddlers are tiny titans because of their growth and winning mindset that gets them what they want.
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