Now let’s talk about a powerful mindset technique so simple a toddler can do it. Actually, it’s one that small children often use. If you have a child in your life, you’ve probably seen it. Let’s say a kid really wants something. Maybe a toy or some candy. They’re focused on it. They’re persistent. They expect it. Now! They keep asking. They keep trying. And eventually they get it. But how? And why? And how can adults like us harness the power of this child’s trick to get what we want? April tells you in episode 24 of the Winning Mindset Mastery Podcast. Tune in here!
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Don’t Want To Lose Out? Pursue Your Dreams Like a 3-Year-Old Demanding Candy
I am excited to share this mindset technique with you. If you have a child in your life, you’ve probably already been exposed to it but didn’t realize that it could work for you. Have you ever been around a kid around any age for maybe 2 to 7 and there was something that they wanted? A lot of times, this is candy, a toy, or to go somewhere and they are so focused on it. They keep asking and trying to get it and eventually, it happens for them. Most of the time, we think, “They wore us down.” There’s actually something bigger to it. It is that they are focused on the what, not the how. They have unwavering conviction that it will happen for them.

Pursuing Dreams: Kids are focused on the what, not the how. They have an unwavering conviction that things will happen for them.
The neat thing about this is it will work for you as an adult and it’s a little bit of a mindset technique as well. I’ll give you an example of how this can work for us as grownups. When I was in the military and I was a broadcaster, we would often get brought in to MC special events, judge them, do certain things around the base, and we enjoyed it.
In one particular event, I was there with another broadcaster and there was a special celebrity that was going to be part of the event who had flown over as part of a USO thing. I’m not going to mention their name because I think maybe the rules might have been bent. I’m not sure, but I don’t want to get anyone in trouble.
What was so funny about this is the gentleman who was with me was going to be the announcer, the MC, and he was thrilled because this particular celebrity was his absolute favorite and he was convinced that he was going to meet them. What was so funny was the security, the event, and their schedule was too tight. Being the person I am who thinks anything can happen, I was like, “I don’t know how that’s going to happen,” but he was adamant and he had such a conviction that it was going to happen.

Pursuing Dreams: Being the person I am who thinks anything can happen, I was like, “I don’t know how that’s going to happen,” but he was adamant and had such a conviction that it was going to happen.
He sat beside me the first morning of the rehearsal and said, “I’m so excited. I got off the phone with my mom. I let her know I was going to meet the celebrity and she’s thrilled for me.” I was like, “Did they say you were going to get to meet that person?” He said, “I’m totally going to get to meet that person.” We go about our day and I overhear him telling other people.
We had a base photographer with us, and that photographer was supposed to capture the entire event. He was like, “I’m going to have a chance to speak with this particular celebrity, and when I do, I want you to get a picture of it because it’ll be exciting. Watch for my signal.” I’m laughing because he still doesn’t have a knowledge of whether or not he’ll get to do this. He’s in the area of the celebrity during the event, but I didn’t see it happening.
I enjoyed watching his enthusiasm and how excited he was about it. Anyone who would listen, who was putting together this event, and who was participating in the event, for the two days before when we were doing the rehearsals, he was like, “I’m going to meet so-and-so. I’m excited about it. I’m going to meet so-and-so.” It was funny to watch.
We are at the last rehearsal and he sits beside this older woman and tells her how excited he is that he’s going to meet this celebrity. She’s like, “I didn’t even know that that celebrity was doing a meet and greet. That’s exciting.” This friend of mine said, “They’re going to be meeting and greeting with me. I’m excited about it. I’m here to do the announcing, but this is my favorite person.” He launches into this story about how long he’s been a fan, why, and all of these things.
Lo and behold, this woman is the mother of the celebrity that was there. She had come along on the trip and she said, “I have never seen someone with such enthusiasm and conviction, nor have I had anyone tell me so many times that someone was going to meet my son. He’s going to be here in a few minutes.” I think he’s wherever he was on part of the meet-and-greet tour for the base. She said, “I will make sure that you get to meet him.”
Not only did he get to meet him, he got a photo with him. He got a photo also with his mother. It was this incredible thing because had he not been telling anyone and everyone that he was going to meet this celebrity, he wouldn’t have said it to the mother. She’s the only person that could have given him access in that particular situation because the schedule was so tight.
How remarkable is that? That same technique that kids use, which is that certainty that they’re going to get and have that thing that they want without worrying about all the reasons that can’t happen but focusing on how excited you are about the thing that you’re going to do can have a tremendous impact on whether or not it happens for you.

Pursuing Dreams: Kids have that certainty that they’re going to get and have that thing that they want without worrying about all the reasons that it can’t happen.
The next time there’s something that you want that you either think would be easy to do or you think it wouldn’t be, I want you to try this technique. When you have that certainty that it’s going to happen in a happy and excited way, it’s catching and opportunities will open up for you that may not have been there before and it can be incredible.
When you have that certainty that something will happen in a happy and exciting way, opportunities will open up for you that may not have been there before. Share on XI want to hear when this happens for you. Don’t forget, you can always go to the website Down at the very bottom, there is a place where you can speak directly to me. It’s called Ask April. You can record a message, tell me what happened, or ask me a question. It is private. It goes directly to me and I will answer you personally and privately as well. While you’re on the website, don’t forget, I have a free gift for you that will help you accelerate your wins in seven days. You can double them. I would like to give that to you while you’re there as well. Here’s to your success.