Mindset work can feel daunting, especially in a world that seems so against us. It is time we break free of the shackles that keep us from doing the work and living our best lives from the inside out. With Halloween fast approaching, April Shprintz dives deep into the three mindset myths that spook you out of doing the work. Mindset work is more freeing than you think. Despite what’s happening around us, we can take back control of how we think, feel, and what we do. Tune in and empower yourself and your mindset today!
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Don’t Let These 3 Mindset Myths Spook You Out Of Doing The Work
I am so glad you’re here. We are almost at Halloween, and I feel like that is a great time for us to talk about what is so scary about working on your mindset. Some people feel like this is a scary thing, this isn’t something they want to do, and they find it daunting. When I have people who share that with me, I love to ask them the reasons why. Here are the top three that people shared with me, not in any particular order, and my answers to them.
Mindset Myth #1: Things Are Still Going To Happen
People say to me, “I can work on my mindset all that I want, but bad things are still going to happen to me.” Things are still going to happen to you. What working on your mindset does is empower you to be objective enough to understand that things will happen to you. Whether or not they are bad or good is going to depend on the way that you choose to view them, how you might reframe them, and what you’re going to do in your response or reaction to them.

Mindset Myths: What working on your mindset does is empower you to be objective enough to understand that things will happen to you.
Getting a mindset that works for you and empowers you to be in a better place is going to make it seem like far fewer bad things happen to you. It’ll make you more resilient, you will have more grit, and you’ll feel prepared for anything that life throws at you. What it does is give you a little bit of a Teflon coating. Most of the things that bother you now stop bothering you. It takes something really big to get you down. Even when that’s the case, you are much more easily able to get right back up again.
Mindset Myth #2: It’s A Waste Of Time
The other one that I get is, “I am afraid it won’t work. It’ll be a waste of my time.” The first thing I will say in regards to that is the great thing about working on your mindset, particularly if you’re focusing on wins or learning to reframe things, you will get results so much more quickly than most other things that you do to improve your life.
If you're focusing on wins or learning to reframe things, you will get results so much more quickly than most other things that you do to improve your life. Share on XI saw results from that mindset work faster than I’ve ever seen results in the gym, faster than I’ve seen results in my job. Maybe when I want to get a promotion or make more sales. Mindset is a quick thing to show you results. If, for some reason, nothing happened and you wasted time, I guarantee you have wasted more time on dumber stuff. That was before we had social media.

Mindset Myths: Mindset is a quick thing to show you results.
Mindset Myth #3: Toxic Positivity
Here’s the last one. This one I love. It is for all of my curmudgeon friends or my realists. Secretly I can be a little bit of a curmudgeon, believe it or not. They say, “I don’t want to do all this mindset work and become one of those annoying, happy people.” Mindset is not about that weirdly toxic positivity where people are bypassing their feelings and acting like everything is great. Working on your mindset is giving yourself the tools, the practices, and the empowerment to experience life in a way that works better for you. It’s not going to magically make you a happy person.
This upbeat personality that I have, I had that one. I had a terrible mindset unless I was angry or sad. It seemed like high highs and low lows. Whereas now, most of the time, I’m pretty high up there because that’s my normal personality. If you’re a realist and you don’t ever get that high, super happy feeling, you’re not going to change from that. Your experience of life is going to be more even and peaceful.
The idea isn’t to become a positive Pollyanna. The idea is for your experience of life to improve, for you to feel empowered, and for you to feel like you can handle anything that life throws at you. If you’re thinking, “Now this is it. I want to focus on this. I want to double down. I want to get a mindset that works for me even faster.” Don’t forget, you can go and get the Mindset Accelerator so you can double your wins in seven days. Just go to WinningMindsetMasteryPodcast.com. Down near the bottom, you’ll see where you can put your email. Get this free gift and download it.

Mindset Myths: The idea isn’t to become a positive Pollyanna. The idea is for your experience of life to improve, for you to feel empowered, and for you to be able to handle anything that life throws at you.
There are three different things that you can do to speed up your wins. Doing any of those three will make a big difference. Wins of the day are my favorite. The other two will supercharge it and then drop me a line on social or email me at April@DrivenOutcomes.com. Let me know how it’s working for you. I can’t wait to hear about it. Here’s to your success.