A strange secret. Let’s face it. A lot of people are very unhappy with their circumstances and their lot in life. They tell themselves, “I’ll be happy when I get that promotion, I quit my job, I get a new job, I get married, I have kids, and the kids are grown and out of the house.” But could it be that if they chose to be happy and grateful now, if they focused on what they had and not on what they didn’t have, they would be much more likely to get the things they want and get them much sooner? Today’s episode tells the inspiring, heartwarming story of a simple man who was happy and content despite his meager circumstances. And then, much to his surprise, he was given an amazing gift. Tune in now to episode 18 of the Winning Mindset Mastery Podcast to hear this amazing story!
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Have you heard of Kevin Ford? He is that Burger King employee who worked there for 27 years, and a video about the gift that they gave him has gone absolutely viral. I saw this and it was an incredible story of a winning mindset and an attitude of gratitude. I was so inspired by him and I was not the only one. Kevin had worked at Burger King in an airport location for 27 years. He had never missed a single day of work.
He got a gift from the folks there at Burger King and someone had videoed him and put it on TikTok as he was describing what he got and that he was excited. He got a clear bag like they give a lot of airport employees because of the security measures. Inside it were movie tickets, Reese’s Cups, a lanyard, a pen, and things like this. He’s going through it, talking about how lots of employees don’t feel appreciated and he sure feels appreciated with this gift.
He’s enjoyed working at Burger King for 27 years. He’s proud that he’s never missed a day. As people are watching this video, it begins to go viral because folks are like, “What? That’s your gift? That’s what they gave you? That’s not enough. You deserve more.” The juxtaposition is interesting because Kevin is incredibly grateful for what he’s been given and is so happy, but people want to give him more. They, as I did, find his mindset inspiring.
His daughter set up a GoFundMe because people were asking on the page, “We’d like to get him a better gift. Can you set up a GoFundMe?” They set it up with a goal of $200 because what Kevin wanted was to go and see his grandkids who he had not seen for three years because of the pandemic. He wanted a plane ticket. He got a plane ticket. What was so incredible is that GoFundMe went well beyond $200. I think the growth of it was over maybe a week or a week and a half. It then kept on in the weeks to follow.

Winning Mindset: His daughter set up a GoFundMe because people were asking on the page, “We’d like to get him a better gift. Can you set up a GoFundMe?” What was so incredible is that GoFundMe went well beyond $200.
When I went to it to donate, it was at $340,000, which was amazing. What was so funny is I was like, “He’s already gotten so much, but I’m still going to donate because he deserves it. He is in this great place and I hope he gets to do something amazing with this money.” What was so incredible was reading what people had written, these inspiring messages and the donations that they’d made.
I got to tell you, this wasn’t like a lot of money from one person. Although, I think David Spade, who’s an actor, donated $5,000 and some other people donated larger amounts. The majority of these were people who you can tell by not only their messages but the amount that they donated that they don’t have a ton of money to spare, but they were that inspired and they wanted him to have something even better.
There are these donations of $3, $5, $8, and to me, it is amazing. That is the power of somebody with an amazing mindset because everyone on there was writing these incredibly inspiring messages. I sat and read them for twenty minutes because it was such an amazing feeling to have all these people rally around someone and everyone have this amazing experience. What I love is now that Kevin has gotten all this money and people are like, “Kevin, what are you going to do? Are you going to quit working at Burger King or are you going to do this? Are you going to buy a house? What are you going to do?”

Winning Mindset: There are these donations of $3, $5, and $8, and it is amazing. That is the power of somebody with an amazing mindset, because everyone on there was writing these incredibly inspiring messages.
He says, “I’m going to keep working at Burger King. I’m close to retirement and I love my job. I’m excited because I can definitely go see my grandkids again and maybe I can help them pay for college.” I got to tell you, I teared up because that is a winning mindset. It’s because so many of us say, “When I get that next job, when I get this new car, this new house, this new relationship, when I’m finally in better shape,” or whatever that thing is for you that is what you’re looking at that you have to have in order to enjoy your life and feel good about things.

Winning Mindset: When you find a way to be happy and grateful for everything you have, not only are you going to have a better life all across the board, but you will draw in more easily because that’s what you’re focused on.
The secret is what Kevin’s doing, which is being happy and grateful for everything you already have. Even if someone else outside looking in might think it’s not enough, it’s not much, it’s not everything that they would want, if you find a way to be happy and grateful for everything you have, not only are you going to have that better life all across the board, but you saw Kevin do it. You will draw in more so easily because that’s what you’re focused on. You’re focused on all the great things about your life and all the great things that you have. Look how fast it happened. Kevin is proof that you can have an entirely new life just by focusing on all of the things that you’re truly grateful for.
You're going to get more of what you focus on. Share on XYour takeaway from this episode is that you need to look up Kevin Ford Burger King. If you need to pick me up, watch his story because he is incredibly inspirational, and you can tell he gets it. Your second one is to think about the things that you can focus on in your life that you can be super grateful for and super happy about. Kevin is a fantastic example. It’s because I promise you, when you do that and focus on all the things that are already great, you’re going to get more of what you focus on. I hope you have the inspiration I received from Kevin’s story because I could have lived on that for a week. Here’s to your success.