In today’s episode of Winning Mindset Mastery, April shows you how to continually up your reframe game. As you listen, you’ll discover:
- How a lost opportunity may be a blessing in disguise;
- Why you want to show up when you feel like quitting;
- How to make your confidence and your belief in yourself increase by larger and larger amounts.
Bottom line: following April’s advice in today’s episode can help you become unstoppable! Click here now to listen! Here’s to your success!
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I have to ask, how are you doing with your reframes? We haven’t talked about those in a few episodes. They’re so important to continue to develop that winning mindset and more importantly, the way that you feel about your day-to-day. Do you feel empowered? Do you feel like you can take on the world? Do you feel like things are happening to you and they’re out of control? Those reframes are going to make a difference for you.
I thought I’d take you through a few different kinds from different times and different people because they might relate to whatever you’re going through, what a friend’s going through or something you might go through. It may help you continuously up that reframe game because that is a game-changer in terms of mindset.
For the first one, I’m going way back from when I was joining the Air Force. I had these concerns about the physical requirements. One of those was you had to run 2 miles in a certain amount of time. I was eighteen years old. The last time I’d run 1 mile was when I was 9 years old. I remembered it being a terrible experience probably because I had no running training whatsoever. I ran full-out as long as I could. I was side hurting and gasping but refusing to give up. It was a terrible running experience but I had run 1 mile. I was terrified that I couldn’t run 2. I wanted to make sure that before I got to basic training, I could do that.
I was talking to an engineer that I worked with at the time. He gave me the best reframe and advice ever. He said, “Have you ever walked 2 miles?” I was like, “Yeah, all the time.” He said, “I want you to go and run 2 miles as slow as you can. Run it so slow you’re almost walking. You know you can do that. Once you’ve run 2 miles, you know you can do it. All you have to do is get faster.” I took his advice. I left work that day and went and ran those 2 miles as slow as I could. I could have walked them faster than I ran them but I did it. It was then a matter of getting faster.
There are a lot of times that we have these big audacious goals that we want to go after. If we reframe them a little bit like, “What’s that bare minimum that lets us know that we can get there,” we do that. It’s then like, “It’s a matter of getting faster and better.” That reframe was incredibly powerful. It made such a difference for me. I was never a game-changing runner in the Air Force or otherwise but I did get faster. At some point, I could run about a seven-minute mile. For me and my lack of athletic training, that was doable. I wasn’t trying to be Roger Bannister out there. Try that with your goals and see if that doesn’t make a difference.

Becoming Unstoppable: Reframing our big, audacious goals from thinking, “What’s the bare minimum we can get there?” to, “How do we get there faster and better?” is incredibly powerful.
I was talking to a client who has all of these opportunities that she’s working on all at the same time. One of them fell through. She was upset about it and disappointed because she had been working on it for a while. The reframe there is that I saw it differently. What I see is she’s trying to do so many different things at once that she can’t go 100% at any one of those things. She’s spread so thin. It could be a blessing in disguise that one of those opportunities that she never would’ve let go of on her own is removed from the picture. She can focus on those others. I know that she has an increased chance of getting all of the other ones by removing this one that was taking more of her attention.
Think about that the next time that happens to you and you aren’t getting something that you want and believe that your life will be better if you have it. The thing is your life could be even better because you didn’t get it. If you can get to that place where that resonates with you, you’re going to even more powerfully be able to go after those other goals that you’re looking at.
Think about that time when you didn't get something that you wanted and believed that your life would be better if you had it. The thing is, your life could be even better because you didn't get it. Share on XHere’s the last one. This is for those folks who are going after something that is difficult for them and that is a big thing that requires a level of effort and consistency on their part that sometimes feels like more than they can do. This happens to me all the time. If a goal is worth going after, it’s going to be one that makes me think, “How am I going to be able to do this? Am I at this level? Can I be at this level? Can I do this?” In case at any point you think that other folks don’t have those conversations in their head, I’m telling you it happens to me all the time.
When you’re going after something like that and it calls your very commitment into question, whether that’s a fitness goal, a business goal, a career goal, a family goal or a relationship goal, it doesn’t matter but it is a goal where it would be easier sometimes to flake, not even do it or show up for yourself. I’ve got two things for you. 1) Every time you show up for yourself, you increase your self-confidence. If you want to be more confident and be that person that feels like they can do anything or that person that other people say, “That man or that woman has unshakable confidence,” then show up for yourself more often. That’s where it comes from.

Becoming Unstoppable: Every time you show up for yourself, you increase your self-confidence.
2) When those opportunities arise where you can either bail on yourself, flake, do a half-ass job or go for it, that is the universe providing you the opportunity to double down. It is like embedding, “I am so certain that this is going to work out. I am going to make this happen and I am going to double down.” I want you to double down on yourself. Show up even bigger. Go after it even more.
If it’s a workout thing and you’re thinking about skipping the gym, I want you to go to the gym and give that little more effort because you know you showed up for yourself. If you’re trying something new in your business and you’re afraid that you’re not ready, I want you to go after it even though you’re not ready and then take it one step further. Tell somebody that you’re doing this brand new thing even though you don’t want anyone else to see it because you know you’re not ready yet. Double down on yourself. Go after it in a bigger way.

Becoming Unstoppable: When you double down on yourself and go after things in a bigger way, your confidence and belief in yourself are going to increase by larger amounts. At the end of the day, you’re going to become unstoppable.
What’s going to happen is your confidence and your belief in yourself are going to increase by larger amounts. At the end of the day, you’re going to become unstoppable. Who wouldn’t want to be unstoppable? I want to hear about it. Don’t forget. You can always go to my website Down at the bottom, there is the Ask April section. I love hearing from you. Don’t worry. I answer you personally and privately if you have questions or I want to congratulate you on your wins. Let me know how you’re doing. I can’t wait to hear about your success. Here’s to your success.
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