Feeling stuck? It might be your crew. Join April Shprintz as she dives into the power of mindset and the critical role of your inner circle in shaping your journey. Discover the three key indicators of whether those around you are lifting you up or bringing you down. Learn how to navigate relationships, keep your progress on track, and even inspire others by modeling the positive changes in your life. Tune in to unlock the secrets to mastering your mindset and, ultimately, your life!
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Are People Bringing You Down?
I am so glad you’re here. You’ve probably heard the quote or the saying, “You are a compilation or a result or an average of the five people you spend the most time with.” There’s some truth to that. There is also a lot of truth to the fact that who you are and what you’re dedicated to being matters as well. When it comes to mindset, the people that you spend the most time with when you are working on it in the early days are vitally important. If you’re around people who have a mindset by default, which means if they have a bad day, they have a bad mindset. If they have a good day, they have a good mindset.
Signs People Bring You Down
They are always subject to whatever is going on around them. Those folks are going to much more easily bring you down as well and slow up your mindset work. How do you know if you’re even around people like this? There are a few ways to know when you’re around people like this. There are a few ways to know when you’re with someone who is not empowering you to get into a better mindset. The first one is candidly how you feel. Do you feel drained? Do you feel brought down by their presence? Do you feel like you have to lower your excitement or the way that you feel about good things that are happening to you because what they’re focused on is happening to them?
The second way to know is to pay attention to the way that they react when you’re talking about reframing or what you’re doing with your mindset or candidly what you’re doing with any area of your life regarding growth. The people who are going to be great for you to be around are the ones who will be supportive, who will be excited that you’re doing something new that matters to you. They’re not going to be the ones that say things like, “This is your thing now or you’re doing that mindset crap? I’m not into that.”
Maybe the folks for whatever reason want to say that what you’re doing is important or they invalidate it. Those folks are going to pretty easily bring you down or make you angry and put you in a place that you don’t want to be. The third way to know may sound judgmental but stick with me here because it’s important.
The people that you’re with, would you trade lives with them? Do you want their life? Do you want their experience of the world around them? Whether it’s their relationships, job, fitness level, or anything? Not only would you pick and choose certain parts of their life, but would you trade with them? Would you want to be that person? Candidly, if they’re not someone whose life you could see yourself stepping into, reasonably.
If you like your own life, you don’t want someone else’s but if they’re not someone that you would trade places with, they’re probably not someone you want to take advice from. They’re probably not someone that you want to spend a ton of time with. Why? It’s because you’re working on your mindset. You’re focusing on yourself, your goals, and the life that you want. You want to surround yourself with things that you want more of.
Pizza People
If you’re around people who have lives that you don’t think you’d want, then they probably have behaviors and habits that do not align with you getting the life that you want. Now, that doesn’t mean you have to give up all your friends, and the people that you’ve known since first grade or your close family members can’t be a part of your life.
Some people are like pizza. It may be something that you really like to have as part of your life, but it's not great to eat it all the time. Share on XWhat you do want to do is limit it until you get into a place where someone else being around you and thinking vastly differently doesn’t pull you down or derail your progress. I call them pizza people. Basically, it’s like eating pizza. You may enjoy it. It may be something that you like to have as part of your life, but it’s not a great food to eat all the time. You limit how often you do it so that you can still have it but it’s not derailing your progress. Whether it’s from a healthy eating perspective or a fitness perspective or what have you.
That’s the way that you can have those people in your life but limit them to the amount of time that works and makes sense for you so that you can still move forward with your goals. You can still move forward with getting a better mindset and still have that person in your life. Here’s the bonus, those folks may not be like you, and all want to jump into growing and being better right away but seeing the positive changes in your life when they do get to interact with you somewhat could inspire them to make changes in their life that would improve it quite a bit.
Now, it’s not going to be inspiring if you tell them you think they should change their life or they should do this mindset thing that you’re doing or they should not think this way but they should instead think this way. People are inspired by what you model to them by seeing your life getting better and wanting to be part of that.
If they take that first step, then you can absolutely share everything you’ve learned with them and help them to have a better life as well. I want you to give this a shot. If you’re not moving forward with your mindset as quickly as you wanted to. Take a look at these three different ways that you could have people around you bringing you down or holding you back. See what adjustments you can make so that you can get there as quickly as you want to. Here’s to your success.