The key to making life easier is having people who uplift you. Unfortunately, not everyone can be there for you. There are those who can amplify your success and make you better while some can drag you down. There are people who are addition by subtraction—the less time you spend with them, the better everything is. Today, April Shprintz celebrates her 100th episode by helping you amplify your success with the people who matter. She dives deep into how addition by subtraction can make different aspects of your life better, both personally and professionally. So tune in and find value in inviting people that truly align with you.
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Amplify Your Success With Addition By Subtraction
I am so glad you’re here. Congratulations for joining me. We should celebrate. This is the 100th episode. It’s so funny, this has been such a joy to do and I love it so much. I can’t believe 100 episodes have gone by already. I am thrilled that you’re here. In this episode, what I’m going to talk to you about is amazing because the key to surrounding yourself with people who amplify you will make every single thing in your life easier, your business, your personal life, your health, everything.
The truth is people either amplify you and make you better, more wonderful, and happier, or they dilute you. They drag your energy down and they make things more difficult. They make results not as good when you’re together because they do dilute your energy and dilute your results. A lot of times, there are people in your life who are auditioned by subtraction. Meaning that the less time you spend with them and the less you have them around, the better everything is.
That can be easy to say and harder to do, especially if it’s people that are close to you in your family or your friendships. Even candidly, I find it in business. I partnered up with someone who wasn’t in alignment with me with the way that I see things as far as having an abundance mindset. The way that I see taking care of people and clients and how it’s generosity first and sales later.
There was nothing about this person that was wrong per se. It wasn’t aligned with the way that I do things. I always love situations like this because they keep me in touch with the advice that I’m giving my clients with the things that I’m telling folks to do, and more importantly, with how hard it can be to do the things that I’m telling people to do. I like to stay in touch with that feeling because people are doing things that are difficult. I want to respect that and empathize with that.
When I had this experience, no matter how talented someone is or how great their results have been in other areas with other people, if they are not aligned with you and they’re not amplifying you and making you even more of what you already are, then they are diluting you. Chances are, by letting go of that person, you are going to be far better and do far more than you would if you stayed in a situation that didn’t quite feel right. That was the situation for me.
I’m not saying it was easy to let that person go and say, “We should not be working together anymore.” It did make things better immediately. I felt a sense of relief. That was pretty awesome. Right after that, a couple of opportunities popped in. Some folks say, “That’s a coincidence that those opportunities came as soon as you did that.” I’ve had this happen so many times over and over again, where when I feel like someone is diluting the power of the relationship that we have working together.
2 plus 2 feels less like 4 and a little more like three and a half. As soon as I make that change, something awesome always tends to happen. Conversely, if I stay around that relationship too long, things tend to slow down. Things aren’t happening as quickly, and it starts to impact me. You’ll see it in maybe not wanting to be around them, dreading those meetings or those emails, or just having general anxiety about your work with them, whether they’re a client or you’re their client.
You’ll also know because you won’t be getting the kinds of results and opportunities that you are used to seeing when you make a move, whether it’s not being around them as much if they’re in your friend group, taking some time apart if there’s someone in your family, or several relationships in business if you are the client or even if they’re the client and you have the ability to.
You will notice that, right away, you are going to feel such a sense of relief that you’ll know you did the right thing. As hard as it can be, that sense of relief is your number one way of knowing that was the right move for you. Anytime you’re in a relationship with someone that dilutes you, you know on some level, even if you’re not cognizant of it or you’re not aware of it, you can feel it.
Anytime you're in a relationship with someone that dilutes you, on some level, you can feel it. Share on XYou’ll notice as soon as you decide not to be in that push-pull anymore and to go ahead and subtract that person from your life, whether it’s the amount of time you’re spending with them or the relationship altogether, you will notice more opportunities in your life as well. That will reaffirm what you’ve done.
In the corporate world, a lot of times, this happens with people when they’ve got someone in their team that’s toxic, that is bad for morale, or no one gets along with. Often, these people are decent performers, and you almost don’t want to get rid of them because you’re afraid, “What is going to happen if I get rid of them? Will the rest of the team step up? Will I be able to find someone else?” Having the confidence and the belief to go ahead and let that person go so they can go be successful somewhere else is what will allow the opportunity for better people to come into wherever you are.

Amplify Success: Having the confidence and the belief to go ahead and let that person go so they can be successful somewhere else is what will allow the opportunity for better people to come in wherever you are.
The same thing if you’re on the other side. If you are the client and this person that you’re partnering with is the vendor. You can worry, “I’ll let them go. They were referred to me by somebody I knew. We’re in the same circles.” That’s something I’m nervous about them saying, “They didn’t want to work with me anymore.” Whatever it is, remember that as long as you show up as you are and you are respectful and you are kind, there’s nothing negative that can happen from ending a relationship with someone who is pulling your energy, who is making it harder for you to be you, and to shine the way that you need to.

Amplify Success: There’s nothing negative that can happen from ending a relationship with someone who is pulling your energy, who is making it harder for you to be you and really shine the way that you need to.
You’ll notice that when you are aligned with the people that you’re working with, what you create is the best in the world. The same thing if you’re in your free time. When you’re with people you’re aligned with, you have the most fun doing nothing. I want you to take a look at your life. I want you to take a look at your life at work and personally. See where you could benefit from some addition by subtraction. For some of you, it’s going to be Netflix. It’s going to be don’t listen or don’t watch all of those different shows. Instead, take that out of your life. Focus that time elsewhere because it’s not amplifying you. It’s diluting you, and you know when it’s the case.

Amplify Success: There are areas in your life where having less of something is going to make your life much, much better and more meaningful.
You know when you need that amount that you’re doing for relaxation. There are areas in your life where having less of something is going to make your life much better and more meaningful. Give it a try and let me know how it worked out. Go to the website All the way down at the bottom, there is the Ask April section. You can leave me a voice message, ask me a question, and tell me how this went. I would love to hear from you. Here’s to your success.