April Shprintz discusses how mindset is the key to unlocking the power of manifestation. She explains how cultivating a positive mindset, focusing on what you want, and taking inspired action can bring all your desires to life. Get ready to manifest your dreams into existence!
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Mindset Is The First Step To Manifesting
I am so glad you’re here. Do you know where here is? Here is a place that I manifested using my mindset. Here is a mountain home that I share with a couple of friends of mine, and it was only an idea that I had mere months ago. A couple of months ago, I started putting the image of this home on my outcome board. For those of you who have been with me for a long time, you know that I believe mindset is the first step to manifesting.
Mindset is the first step to manifesting. Share on XEven if you think manifesting is a little too woo-woo, you’re not ready for the law of attraction, or you’re reading Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich but you want your life to be better, you’re good with mindset. You’re good with understanding how you get more of what you focus on because your unconscious mind helps you see more of that. Your unpaid assistant helps you get there.
It’s important for you to understand that even if you’re just working on your mindset, you’re also taking the first step to something much bigger and even better for you. Stick with me here. This cabin is a wonderful illustration of that because this is something that I really wanted. I didn’t know how I would go about getting it. I wasn’t that focused on it because I was doing a lot of other things.
I had friends bring me an opportunity for us to have this mountain home together and it was exactly what I wanted. When I say exactly, I later, and it was such a joke for everyone, showed them the photo of the home that I had on my outcome board. The living room with all the glass windows and the mountain view looked almost identical to what we ended up getting.
The Power Of Focus
What does that have to do with mindset? What you focus on is what you’re going to get. The more that you can focus on the things in your life that you really want, the easier it’s going to be for those things to come into your life. The more you can focus on something that you believe you can have even if you don’t know the how of it, the easier it is for you to manifest it. If you focus on it for a little bit and then you forget about it, that is even better.
I have a client who is interested in being a professor at a college. It was something that when she was younger, she was nervous about whether she would be qualified or whether she would be able to do it. When we worked together, we were focused on growing her business and getting her to higher revenue while she worked considerably less. Her ideal was about twenty hours a week. We worked on that and made that happen.
Lo and behold, as she was focused on that, she got an offer from a local college to be a professor there and is starting to teach her second semester. That was because she was focused on the things that she wanted. She wasn’t focused on the things that she didn’t want or her fear that she might not get it. That’s why mindset is such an important part of the piece to manifest the things that you want.
When people talk about manifesting, people think, “I have to want it,” and then wait. That’s not how it works. Desire is super important. You do want to wait until you’re inspired to take action until taking action on it feels good and exciting. She had put the word out that she was interested in doing something like that with some people that she knew. She had even looked when there were some opportunities that were offered, job listings, etc., but at the end of the day, it never felt great to apply to one of those before someone reached out to her.
Starting With Mindset
If you’re thinking, “I’m really excited about manifesting. I want to be able to do it but I don’t even know where to start,” you’re already at the right place. When you get to the place where you can reframe things or focus on the things that you want in your life, you are already more than halfway there. When you’re focusing on the things each day that you’re grateful for and you’re excited about your wins of the day, the three things that you are excited about to happen to you, you are already manifesting more of those good things.
This is the first and most important step in identifying the things that you want to create in your life. The more you focus on how you’re already doing it without even trying, the better you can get at doing it on purpose. Once you do, your life becomes that much more fun, exciting, and surprising because most of the things that you want most aren’t going to come to you the way that you thought they would.
Most of the things you want aren’t going to come to you the way you thought they would. Share on XI thought I’d be purchasing a mountain home all by myself at some point in years to come. I never imagined something happening the way this did, but what was brought to me and given to me as an opportunity was even better than I could imagine. If you think about it, that has happened to you quite a bit in life as well. I really want you to focus on those things that you love about your life, those wins that you have every day, and those things that you want most. How can you focus on those so that they can get to you even faster? Here’s to your success.