Getting your life to new heights is always an exciting and fulfilling endeavor. It is full of good news to be explored – but also some bad things to be conquered. April Shprintz shares how to deal with this unique phase that offers both opportunities and challenges in your life.
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Elevating Your Life To New Heights? Here’s The Good News…And The Bad.
I am so glad you’re here. I was talking to a client about making a big move from a high-powered corporate gig where she was super uber successful into owning her own company and all of the fears, the scariness, and the things that come with that that we cannot anticipate. I’ve been through it myself. One of the greatest gifts in the world is not to know how hard something is going to be. We were talking about the fact that she was elevating her life to new levels and she said, “When do I get to the point that this isn’t scary anymore?” I said, “I’ve got good news and bad news.” I like to look at it as, “I’ve got good news and I’ve got other good news.”
One of the greatest gifts in the world is not to know how hard something is going to be. Share on XFacing Your Fears
What I shared with her was it never gets any easier. Every time you up level, it is always scary. It is always hard. It is always a challenge. It is never going to be different. The other option is to not up level. Be mediocre. Stay the same. Be comfortable and then you end up getting bored. Especially if you’re a person who is just made to be the best, do their best and to constantly get to that next level. Technically, that’s the bad news. It’s always going to be like that. To me, that’s just another good news.
The good news is, even though it always feels like that, it becomes easier and easier to know, “Everyone’s afraid like that.” I have talked with folks who have made millions and millions of dollars. I’ve talked to a billionaire who talked about being afraid of doing this next venture. It doesn’t go away. You can choose to see that as bad news or you can choose it to be good news. You’re never going to be more afraid than you are the first time you do something. You’re going to be afraid every time but you’re also going to know that the fear is much bigger than the actual threat.
The fear is much bigger than it will feel when you get in there and when you start doing it. You recognize it, you’re like, “I must be up leveling. I must be doing something new and big. This is exciting. How can I go forward?” You can look at that as something that is scary or sad or you can look at it as an indicator of your progress that you’re getting better every day all the time.
I get excited when I feel fear. I’m more annoyed when I’m stuck in that place where I’m stuck but I haven’t yet admitted that I’m stuck. I like to do a lot of busy work. We’ve talked about this. I’m a big fan of hamster work. It’s where you do things that make you feel like you’re busy and make you feel like you’re accomplishing things but you’re not doing anything. I’m going to admit this, I like to shop when I am in this stuck phase. I think I need all these things that I don’t need, just so you know. I usually end up returning once I realize, “I didn’t actually need to shop. I needed to go do this new creative thing. I need to go help this new company. I needed to go try this new athletic endeavor.”
These things that we experience that may feel like good and bad are both good. The mindset person is telling you this. We’re reframing this, but what if you looked at it that way? What if every time you feel fear or discomfort you decide, “These are two good things. Number one, I’ve been here before and know I can survive it. Number two, I must be doing something pretty fucking special.”
Episode Wrap-up
I want you to tell me what is the last time that you felt fear like this? What are you excited about that meaning for you? You can reach out to me on social media or you can go to my website on the bottom of the page for the show There’s a little section called Ask April. You can push that button and send me a private personal message. Tell me what you’re doing. Ask me a question. All of it comes to me personally and privately and I will answer you myself. I can’t wait to hear how it goes for you. Here’s to your success.
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