If you listen to this podcast on a regular basis, you’ve heard April’s story of overcoming poverty and hardship. What was her secret? It includes powerful ideas shared by Seneca, the ancient Roman philosopher, and Napoleon Hill, author of Think and Grow Rich. In today’s episode of the Winning Mindset Mastery Podcast, April tells us what these legendary figures taught her and helps you apply this powerful knowledge in your own quest for your winning mindset.
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3 Ways To Overcome Your Circumstances & Become Your Possibilities
Thank you for joining me. One of my all-time favorite quotes is, “You are not your circumstances. You are your possibilities.” When I first heard that as a kid, it was from Oprah Winfrey, but it is originally from a Roman philosopher by the name of Seneca. That quote meant so incredibly much to me because, growing up, I was not at all in circumstances that I saw myself in for the rest of my life or that I wanted to be in.
There have been times as my life has gone on that quote has been comforting to remind me of the power of focusing on where I want to be versus where I am, and not just focusing on the fact that I’m not there yet. That’s not the right focus but the focus on the fact that you are going there. That possibility is available for you and it’s something that you can make happen.

Overcome Your Circumstances: That possibility is available to you, and it’s something that you can make happen.
When you can focus on that regardless of the circumstances, that’s when your mindset starts to become incredibly powerful. That’s when you see those things happen that seem like a miracle win, where a football team just pulls it out in the last quarter and people think, “That’s amazing.” Think about it. That is mindset because if you are so far behind on the scoreboard and it looks like the game is already over, it’s the power of your mindset that allows you to say, “There’s still a chance. We can still win this game. We’ve got this.”
There are so many other areas of your life where that is true. All of that is because of the power of your mindset. I want to share with you a few different things to encourage you on this journey that you’re going on to work on your mindset every day and develop one that works for you. I used a sports analogy now, but there’s also another one with learning a sport. It’s interesting when someone is great at a sport. They’ve done it for a long time and practiced it for many years.
They tend to have an incredible physique from doing that sport. Lots of people may weightlift, workout, or diet because they want an incredible physique, but the best way to get one is by practicing some activity. The reason for that is, number one, it’s more fun. It’s easier. You’re not focusing on creating or chiseling a body so much but you’re focusing on that activity.
Number two, it’s because form follows function. Your body takes on the shape of the way that you are utilizing it or the way that you’re doing things. In that case, a form is following an action, but your mindset works the same way to help shape your life. Your form will follow that function. As you develop a mindset where you see yourself in your possibilities and where you see yourself in the life you want, whether personally or professionally, you begin to take on that shape.

Overcome Your Circumstances: As you develop a mindset where you see yourself in your possibilities and in the life you want, whether personally or professionally, you begin to take on that shape.
There are so many people who talk about things like this who have these incredibly successful lives. What’s interesting is after you’ve practiced mindset for a while, you start to recognize the way that they’re speaking. They all use these key phrases and key ways of explaining things, even if they never use the word mindset. That lets you know that they get it and that’s part of what got them there. Some of them had some great innate talents, drive, and perseverance, but you don’t see folks who get to those amazing pinnacles who don’t also have a great mindset.
Here’s a secret. If you have ever heard of the movie The Secret or the Law of Attraction or talked about people manifesting the things you want, getting in alignment, and the power of the universe, God, whatever you see as helping you get to where you want to go, mindset is just the first step. It’s backed up by science, but it is no different than those things.
Whether you believe in the more spiritual side of it or you believe in the more scientific side of it, you can leverage that power and get the things that you focus on. It can be incredibly game-changing for you. If you’re someone who researches the Law of Attraction and people who have manifested some amazing things, you may have heard of Napoleon Hill and the book Think and Grow Rich, where he chronicles and interviews some super successful people at the time.
What’s interesting is his quote may make more sense to you now than it did before as you’re working on your mindset, which is, “Whatever your mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.” Think about that. Basically, he’s saying you can turn your thoughts into things or you can turn your thoughts into life experiences by believing them and going after them. That’s everything that we’re talking about with developing a winning mindset. It is using the power of your mind to get everything it is that you want.
You can turn your thoughts into things or life experiences by believing them and going after them. Share on XIf you’re a new reader and you haven’t yet gone to the website, there’s a tool that can help you accelerate how you get there. It’s a free tool. Go on there and get it. It’s got lots of great things for you. In a week, you can use the power of your mindset to double your wins. Go there and check it out. It’s WinningMindsetMasteryPodcast.com. You can get that free gift, start using it right away, and leverage the power of your mindset so that you can get to the circumstances and the life that you both want and deserve. Here’s to your success.