The holiday season is upon us! It’s a time we look forward to every year. But for a lot of us, it’s also a time we dread. We try to pack so much activity into such a short time span. We put enormous pressure on ourselves. We have unreasonable expectations of ourselves and others. If you’re nodding your head in agreement, and if this sentiment hits a little too close to home, guess what? April can relate. She often does the exact same thing. But she’s also discovered how to overcome this tendency. In today’s episode, she shows you three simple tips that will help you be much kinder to yourself and actually enjoy this month. Imagine that! These steps are easy to do, but don’t be fooled by their simplicity. They’re all game changers. They’ll help you get far more enjoyment and fulfilment from this month. Also, they just might help you get a great head start toward to amazing 2023! Sound interesting? Then click here now to listen! Here’s to your success!
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3 Tips To Make This Your Best December Yet!
The holidays are getting close. Are you feeling the stress? Do you feel like you don’t have everything done that you meant to have done, and there are more holiday events, parties, and times to go see the family than you could get to? Take a deep breath with me. There’s so much going on that you are probably being way too hard on yourself. I know this because I have been and sometimes still am the same way. I want to take you through some ways that you can be much kinder to yourself and enjoy so much more than you ever have before.
The first thing is we try to do so many things in December. We try and pack so much in. It doesn’t matter what religion you are or what way you celebrate holidays, there is so much in this. It can be hard to take a breath and enjoy what’s going on. The first thing that I’d like you to do as you think about all of the things that you are pressuring yourself with. Whether it’s finishing up exams and school, finishing up holiday shopping, and getting ready for hosting relatives for the holidays or going somewhere. Doing the end of your goals because you didn’t quite do in 2022 what you meant to. Whatever it is, I want you to talk to yourself about it the way that you would talk to a good friend.

Enjoying The Holidays: We try to do so many things in December. We try to pack so much in that it can be hard to take a breath and enjoy what’s going on.
If you had a good friend come to you and say, “I’m so worried about this and I have all of this going on. I need to do this and I haven’t done this.” What would you say to them? How would you handle that? What can you gain by talking to yourself that same way? It is a game changer. No one talks to you more than you talk to you. No one has a better influence on the way that you feel about yourself and things than you do. Making that conscious effort to talk to yourself like your own best friend is going to make a huge difference in how you feel in any stressful time.
No one has a better influence on the way you feel about yourself and things than you do. Share on XThe second thing is you have got to find some time to rest. No matter how much you have going on or how little you feel like you have time to spare, understand that we replenish ourselves when we rest. The same way if you are into weightlifting, bodybuilding, or you play any sport. Your muscles repair and grow when you are resting.
You taking that time whether you are scheduling it in your calendar or you write it on your to-do list, but taking that time for you to rest and do whatever it is that replenishes you. If that’s watching Netflix, go for it. If it’s reading a book, going for a walk, or go spend time with friends, whatever it is for you that is restful, I want you to schedule that. I promise you that it will make a huge difference in how the entire month of December feels for you.
Third tip. You have heard me talk before about starting your day by appreciating what it is that you love about your life. If you haven’t heard it before, quickly when you first wake up, when those peepers open, before you grab that phone, and before you roll out of bed and brush your teeth, tell yourself the things that you appreciate about life. I’d like you to modify that just a little bit. I want you to focus on for 17 to 30 seconds the things that you appreciate and are grateful for you.

Enjoying The Holidays: Start your day by appreciating what it is that you love about your life.
We are being kinder to ourselves. We are going to enjoy this and more. Start that momentum with the things that you appreciate and are grateful about yourself. Go ahead and roll into those three wins of the day, what you did the other time, they can be big wins or little wins. Remind yourself that you get what you focus on and those are the things that you are going to be looking forward to.

Enjoying The Holidays: You get what you focus on, and those are the things that you should be looking forward to.
If you are not familiar with these exercises, no problem. I got you. Go to the website There’s a free gift on the website that goes through these two processes. It also has another gift of guided meditation to help keep you in the right head space and allow you to enjoy the holidays and the end of 2022 in such a more relaxed, calm, and peaceful way and you will find so many more things to be happy about. The biggest thing that I want you to take out of this is to be kind to you because you are the only you that you have got. Here’s to your success.