Building a winning mindset takes consistency and regular practice. But the process doesn’t have to be as daunting and difficult as you might think. There are some quick, easy steps that will help you see improvements sooner. The result? You’ll become even more committed to and enthusiastic about developing a winning mindset! When you listen to today’s episode of the Winning Mindset Mastery Podcast, you’ll find out what these small, simple changes are.
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3 Quick And Easy Ways To Improve Your Mindset
Developing a winning mindset is much like anything that we want to do. It requires consistency and practicing it regularly. However, there are some cool, quick, and easy steps you can do that can improve your mindset by making some small changes. I am a huge fan of things like this because the easier they are, the faster we can implement them, and the quicker that we see an improvement, the more committed we are to developing that winning mindset.
The first one is, don’t rush to, “I can’t.” This is one that I’m always challenging myself with because I’m uncomfortable when I’m not good at something right away. I don’t like living in that area of being uncomfortable and learning something new. I always challenge myself to stay in that feeling and ride it out, if you will, a little longer.
For some of us, we’re so quick to say, “I can’t do that. I can’t speak in public. I can’t go out for that job. I’m not qualified. I can’t start this new hobby. I’m too old. I can’t.” Let’s not rush to it because if you give it a shot, you may find that you’re better at it than you thought you would be. If, like me, you aren’t and you are in that uncomfortable place, getting used to being uncomfortable is a very powerful thing because when you can master being in that feeling, you’re able to grow much more easily and much more often.

Getting What You Want: Prioritize what is super important to you and what will keep you aligned with the things that will make you happiest and keep you on the path to success.
The second one goes almost right along with the first one. It is to discover the power of the word yet. When you want to say, “I can’t,” and you can’t keep yourself from doing it, I want you to add the word yet. I can’t speak in public yet. I can’t apply for that job yet. I can’t start a new hobby at this age yet. All that has to change is a little bit of time needs to go by. You need to work up the courage, learn some new skills, and find a way to go to that next level.

Getting What You Want: By saying no to one thing, you free up more time and commitment for another. That is the power of no, because it clarifies what it is that you’re committed to.
What’s interesting is the power of that word is that subconsciously, you are telling yourself that you can do something. That it’s just not time. That’s incredibly powerful. One of the things you might notice is children use this a lot. I love that aspect of children where they think that anything is possible for them. If I could give anything to the world in one fell swoop, it would be to never lose that feeling. Never lose that belief that you can do anything. You just haven’t figured it out yet. I want you to start adding the word yet to your vocabulary for anything that you think isn’t possible for you. It may not be possible for you now but it will be possible for you in the future.
The third one is when something has not gone well for you, whether you feel like you failed or you handled something poorly and you tend to be beating up on yourself. I’m someone who does this quite a bit and I hear this with clients a lot. The better people do at things, the tougher they seem to be on themselves when they don’t do well.
A quick way to reframe that and to go from seeing it in the way of what you did poorly to a future state and not looking at the past is, “What would I do differently in the future?” The same scenario, the same thing but what would I do differently in the future? It’s so powerful because it takes you from dwelling on the past to focusing on the present. It also gets you to focus on what you want instead of what you don’t want, and because we get what we focus on, that is incredibly powerful.

Getting What You Want: The folks who have the hardest time saying no are the ones who will get the biggest benefit from taking that leap and doing it.
These are three simple things that you can add to your everyday. Don’t be so quick to go to, “I can’t.” Even if you’re going to say, “I can’t,” say, you can’t yet. If you do something in a way that you’re not happy with, instead of focusing on what you did wrong, focus on how you do it differently in the future. Those are three quick and easy steps to start improving your mindset right away.
Don't be so quick to say, 'I can't.' Even if you're going to say, 'I can't,' say, 'I can't yet.' Share on XIf you’re one of those people who want to accelerate their learning and get to that most winning mindset as quickly as possible, I have one more thing for you. There’s a free gift on the website for the show. It’s You can go and download that gift, which will help accelerate your mindset and double the amount of wins you have in your life in just seven days. It is a great tool and you can use it well beyond that first week but getting consistent with that process and the different gifts that are in there will make a huge difference for you. Here’s to your success.
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